Page 17 - BCM May 2024
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              Celebrating Hoosier History

                 t promises to be the bowling busi-  9416) or President Stacy Anderson.  Sign up by going to
              I ness event of the spring as the                                     or contacting Robin Marshall at 817-
              Indiana BCA celebrates its 75th anni-   NORTHERN CALIFORNIA           385-8472.
              versary May 1-2 at the historic French   Cindy Schaal describes her   rst
              Lick Resort and Casino in French Lick,   full year as executive director of the    CONNECTICUT
              Indiana.    e event will highlight the   NorCal Bowling Centers as “quite the      e Connecticut BPA will be hosting
              last 75 years of bowling in the Hoosier   learning curve. Even though I have   its Annual Meeting on    ursday, Sept.
              State as multiple organizations come   worked for NorCal for 20 years, being   12 at Spare Time Vernon, and invites
              together to underscore the history.  on this side of the o   ce is a challenge.   all member proprietors to attend.    is
                Plans call for many special moments      ank you to all who have stepped in   is an election year, so if you are inter-
              as hall of famers, past presidents and   to help.”… Guy Beverage will be ap-  ested in running for the board, please
              key   gures who made a signi  cant   pearing at NCBC’s Open Membership   contact Robin Marshall at robin@
              impact on bowling in the state will be   Meeting.    e topic: “Active Shooter/ or 817-385-8472.
              spotlighted. A special focus will be on   Active    reat.” California SB533 calls
              what made bowling so special to so   for having an active plan in place in     FLORIDA
              many people through the years.     centers by July 1…    anks to Paddock      e BCA of Florida Board of Direc-
                   e   rst day will feature a welcome   Bowl and Clayton Valley Bowl, which   tors will meet via Zoom on May 15,
              reception with appetizers and cock-  are hosting the NorCal YBA Junior   and all members are welcome to join
              tails, a walk through “Memory Lane,”   State Championships this month.  the discussions. Register at…
              a red-carpet grand bu  et dinner with                                    e association is sponsoring a USA
              drinks, a celebration gift, cash draw-   CAROLINAS & GEORGIA          Bowling Learn the Sport coaching
              ings and the presentation of the pres-  Following four rollo   events in April,   clinic on May 11 at the Kegel Training
              tigious Hy Delman Award. Day two   the participants have been deter-  Center in Lake Wales.    ere is no cost
              will begin with a delicious breakfast,   mined for the   nals of this season’s   to attend, and all aspiring coaches are
              followed by the association’s Annual   QubicaAMF Rising Stars Tournament.   welcome. Centers should encourage
              Meeting and more cash drawings. Pre-  Strikers in Rock Hill, South Carolina,   parents and bowlers expressing an
              sentations by guest speakers, detailing   will be the host, with American Legion   interest in volunteer coaching youth
              the history of our industry, will come   Post 34 serving as the venue for the   to attend. Registration is open at bowl.
              next, along with a trade show, a lunch   awards breakfast the following day.   com/youth/usa-bowling/coaching-
              bu  et with some of the best-known      e weekend of July 26-27 promises to   seminars-schedule.
              pro bowling celebrities and more cash   create lots of memories for the youth
              drawings.                          bowlers competing… Save the dates:    IDAHO
                                                    e 2025 BPA of the Carolinas & Geor-     e Idaho State BPA would love
                 ARIZONA                         gia Convention will be held Feb. 12-13,   to hear from members interested in
                   e Arizona BPA will have a board of   with Steve Lerch providing a keynote   becoming a part of the association’s
              directors meeting May 8-9 in Phoenix   on arti  cial intelligence.    board of directors. It’s an opportunity
              at Let It Roll.     e   rst day will feature                          to get involved and work to move the
              a networking event with food, drinks    COLORADO                      association into the future. If you are
              and fun from 7-9 p.m.    e board        e Colorado State BPA will be con-  interested in serving on the board,
              meeting will include keynote speaker   ducting its Annual Networking Event   please contact Executive Director Mi-
              Daniel Mowery on digital marketing,   and Membership Meeting at the Gay-  chele Colangelo (mcolangelo@bpaa.
              followed by a complimentary lunch   lord Rockies Resort and Convention   com) or President Vernon Oertel.
              and the meeting agenda.    ose inter-  Center, June 30-July 1, in conjunction
              ested in attending should visit azbpa.  with International Bowl Expo.    is is    ILLINOIS
              com to register or contact Executive   happening right in members’ back-     e 61st Beat the Champs con-
              Director Michele Colangelo (817-822-  yards, making it extremely convenient.   test was held at Mardi Gras Lanes in

                                                                         BCM  •  MAY 2024  •  15

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