Page 20 - BCM May 2024
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              or President Jay Burnett.             WISCONSIN                       link under the “Events” tab for more
                                                   BCA of Wisconsin proprietors are   information and to register… Nomi-
                 WASHINGTON                      making a di  erence in the futures   nations are being accepted through
                Bowling is taking over T-Mobile   of Wisconsin youth bowlers with   Aug. 31 for the BCAW Award of Excel-
              Park on Saturday, Aug. 24, as the   their annual BCAW Scholarship Golf   lence, which honors bowling center
              Seattle Mariners take on the San   Tournament.    e event helps fund   proprietors, managers and others
              Francisco Giants with “Bowling Day   the BCAW Scholarship Program,    who have made signi  cant contribu-
              at the Ball Park.”    is year’s color-  which awards   ve $1,000 scholar-  tions to bowling in Wisconsin over
              ful jersey design features a bright   ships annually based on academics   time. Winners will be selected by a
              yellow Mariner weekend jersey with   and citizenship. Registration is open   committee and recognized at the
              “Strike ’Em Out” artwork on the    for the 2024 tournament, scheduled   BCAW Celebration of Excellence
              back.    e   rst pitch is scheduled for   for Monday, June 10, at Indianhead   Luncheon, to be held during the
              1:10 p.m. Ticket prices include the   Golf Course in Mosinee.    e $85   BCAW Annual Meeting, Conference
              complimentary jersey in two seat-  per person (or $340 per foursome)   and Trade Show on Monday, Oct.
              ing options: $56 on the 100-Field   fee includes 18 holes of golf with a   7, at the Wintergreen Conference
              level or $39 on the 300-View level.   cart, dinner and a drink voucher. In   Center in Wisconsin Dells. For more
              Washington State BPA members       addition to raising money to sup-  information, including a list of past
              wishing to purchase a block of 20   port the scholarships, there will be   recipients, visit…     e
              tickets or more should contact     cash and other prizes up for grabs.   BCAW congratulates Travis Prahl and
              Alexa Olague at 206-346-4506 or    Visit and click on the   Robert Ferg, the new owners of Keg-
                  “BCAW Scholarship Golf Fundraiser”   lers Bowling Center in Manawa.

              18  •  BCM  •  MAY 2024                                                      

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