Page 14 - BCM May 2024
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              Ed could be used as a free resource,             PEOPLE, PLACES & THINGS
              as well as to show what the program
              fully entails. While at the booth, sta
              members explained the Bowler’s Ed     The   -lane bowling center at Suncoast, which recently hosted the USBC
                                                    Masters, will be renovated as part of a property-wide modernization
              Grant program, curriculum and how     to “remain relevant and fresh” in the Las Vegas market, Boyd Gaming
              to order equipment. Roughly 1,700     officials have announced… Washington’s Spo-
              physical curriculums were given to    kane Valley is getting a new ­­,€€€-square-foot
              educators, along with 1,500   ash     venue that will include mini-bowling, laser tag,
              drives and 208 curriculum binders,    an arcade, virtual reality, bumper cars and more.
              which will potentially impact thou-   Flight 	   was expected to open in mid-April… A
              sands of students around the country.  QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup legend, Sven-Erik
                                                    Skoglund, passed away on March ˆ following
              Venerable Louisville Center to        an extended period of age-related poor health.
              Close… But Another Will Open          According to his long-time friend and fellow AMF
                                                    staffer Paul Lane, Skoglund began his career
                   e operators of Executive Strike &   with AMF Scandinaviska in the early Šˆ €s and
              Spare Lanes announced on Facebook     continued for more than four decades. He was
              that they will be closing their vener-  initially responsible for sales in Scandinavia, and
              able center adjacent to the Kentucky   by the time he retired was the regional direc-
              Exposition Center in Louisville, and   tor with overall responsibility for the company’s   Sven-Erik Skoglund
              plan to open a 45,000-square-foot     business throughout the entire Nordic Region.
              venue in the J-Town neighborhood      Skoglund also played a key role in the staging of the AMF Bowling World
              of the city.    e new venue would     Cup. He managed the competitive side of the tournament and was im-
                                                    mensely popular with the bowlers, bowling officials, international bowling
              include 26 lanes — half as many as at   media and proprietors from around the world who attended the annual
              the present location — an additional   worldwide event, Lane said. Between Šˆ‘Š and Šˆ’ˆ, Skoglund performed
              eight-lane VIP suite, a full bar and res-  this vital role at more than a dozen World Cup tournaments in as many
              taurant, a 60-game arcade and more.   countries. Skoglund spent his retirement years living on Runmarö, a small
              An opening around    anksgiving is    island in Stockholm’s archipelago in Sweden… A group of local entre-
              being targeted.    e Kentucky Expo-   preneurs in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, has signed to open a new Launch
              sition Center and the surrounding     franchise. The venue will include bowling, laser tag, an arcade and more.
              area is in the midst of a $700 million   A spring ­€­• opening is anticipated… The LBX Collective has acquired
              redevelopment project, and a bowl-    Birthday University and The Experience Academy conferences, creating
                                                    an enriched portfolio of services and expertise to help elevate the enter-
              ing center was not envisioned as part   tainment experience.
              of the long-term plan. For more than
              a decade, Executive Strike & Spare
              hosted Lebowski Fest, a celebration of
              the 1998 Coen brothers’ movie, “   e
              Big Lebowski.”

              Bowling’s Long Connection to
              the Francis Scott Key Bridge
                When the Francis Scott Key Bridge
              was destroyed on the morning of
              March 26 as a runaway cargo ship
              rammed into one of its support pil-
              lars, the skyline of Baltimore changed
              instantly and dramatically.    e bridge,
              which connected the city of Balti-                               The Francis Scott Key Bridge was an impor-
              more with Baltimore County, was a                                tant thoroughfare for bowlers, bowling cen-
              favorite route of weekend-warrior                                ters and bowling companies in the Baltimore
              bowlers like Danny Wiseman, who                                  area, especially during the 1970s, ’80s and
              estimates he crossed it “thousands                               ’90s. (Photo courtesy Danny Wiseman.)
              of times” as he was honing his skills

              12  •  BCM  •  MAY 2024                                                      

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