Page 12 - BCM May 2024
P. 12


              The Next Big Test for Strings

                  ehigh Lanes has been serving   Tom Clark, it’s a matter of the PBA   “We’re excited to be hosting a
              L the Florida community of Lehigh   “needing to perform due diligence   PBA50 Regional,” says Chris Keane,
              Acres, part of the Cape Coral-Fort   before awarding o   cial PBA titles or   one of the center’s partners. “   ese
              Myers metropolitan area, for more   points.”                          guys want to compete, and they have
              than 60 years. It recently underwent a   Clark said the PBA50 Regional will   no problem doing so with the string
              massive renovation that included the   be one of a number of Regional events   [pinspotters].”
              installation new carpeting and fur-  that “will serve as great trial runs and   Adds Keane: “Like most bowlers,
              nishings, as well as QubicaAMF EDGE   enable all parties, including the play-  we were skeptical of these string pins
              String Pinspotters.                ers, to provide feedback.”         at the start. But after bowling on them
                   e larger story:    e center will be      e due diligence also will include   [at a nearby center] in January, all our
              hosting a PBA50 Regional tournament   independent study by PBA Director of   doubts were quickly erased.”
              May 16-18, meaning Lehigh Lanes will   Rules and Equipment Neil Stremmel   Keane and his business partner,
              go down in history as the   rst center   on the di  erences between string and   Dennis Bush, are competitive bowlers
              ever to host a PBA tournament on   free fall machines.    at e  ort will con-  themselves, Keane in PBA50 events
              string machines.    e rest of the story:   tinue through 2024, which is why no   and Bush in USBC and TAT action.
              It won’t be a title event, even though   title will be awarded in the   rst PBA50   Bush had owned the business with
              several prominent players believe it   event to be conducted in a center   another partner, but when their lease
              should be simply because everyone is   equipped with string machines. Even   ran out that partner exited and Keane,
              playing in the same environment.   so, the tournament hosts are pumped   who had managed a car dealership
                According to PBA Commissioner    up about the tournament.           and owned a car wash in New York,

              Lehigh Lanes partners Chris Keane (left) and Dennis Bush are looking forward to hosting a PBA50 tournament this month, the   rst to
              be held at a center with string pinspotters. (Photo courtesy Mike Cannington.)

              10  •  BCM  •  MAY 2024                                                      

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