Page 13 - BCM May 2024
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              invested. Keane has had a few near   date up to 40.                   Convention and Expo in Cleveland,
              misses with the PBA50 winner’s circle,                                Ohio, to promote the Bowler’s Ed
              but perhaps more importantly, is a   Bowler’s Ed Program Exposed      program to health and physical edu-
              two-time Dick Weber Sportsmanship   to P.E. Pros at SHAPE Confab      cation professionals. Approximately
              Award winner.                           e International Bowling Campus   3,000 professionals gathered for three
                Lehigh Lanes hosts leagues   ve   Youth Development team attended   days, and IBC Youth set up a booth
              evenings a week along with a weekday   the 2024 SHAPE America National   to spread the word on how Bowler’s
              morning senior league and a wall-
              to-wall youth program on Saturday
              mornings.    e center also stages a
              four-game handicap sweeper every
              Saturday and a six-game scratch
              tournament with a stepladder   nal
              round once per month. And it hosted
              a PBA50 Regional in 2022, selling it
              out with 72 players on three squads.
                Keane says the local bowlers love
              the center and are grateful that an
              investment is being made to keep
              it going and keep their competitive
              juices   owing.
                String pinsetting machines that
              meet United States Bowling Congress
              speci  cations were approved for use
              in certi  ed competition by the USBC
              last April. Will the PBA be next to grant
              its seal of approval by awarding titles
              at string-pin centers?    e 2024 PBA50
              tournament at Lehigh Lanes could
              go a long way toward answering that
                “Once we are satis  ed with our test-
              ing and trials, hopefully we can begin
              2025 with approved string systems
              by PBA counting for titles, points,
              et cetera,” says Clark. “We hope the
              PBA’s assumed eventual stamp of ap-
              proval, which we take very seriously,
              will mean a lot towards the future of
              Mini-Bowling Is Part of a New
              Center in Southern California
                   e San Diego County community
              of Poway was scheduled to welcome
              a new entertainment venue called
              City Fun Center in April. Four lanes of
              mini bowling, nine holes of 3D glow
              mini-golf and an arcade are among
              the amenities. City Fun Center also
              features a black-light, glow-in-the-
              dark party room that can accommo-

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