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              for an eventual stab at the PBA Tour.   Wiseman’s native Baltimore crossed   other East Coast ports as each port’s
              “Bowl America and Fairlanes had    the Key Bridge — just a few years after   capacity allows, and companies will
              tons of centers in the area,” Wiseman   it opened — to compete in the 1982   need to adjust. Wiseman, who could
              recalled. “It was a blue-collar area and   American Bowling Congress Tourna-  safely be dubbed “Baltimore’s favorite
              bowling was a blue-collar sport, so   ment at the Baltimore Convention   bowling son,” added that he wouldn’t
              those centers were busy.” Wiseman,   Center and to visit area attractions.   be surprised if bowling balls were
              a member of both the PBA and USBC   And several bowling companies —   discovered at the bottom of the harbor
              Halls of Fame, made the trip over   including bowling ball manufacturer   during the ongoing debris-removal
              the bridge to Glen Burnie to bowl in   Faball — used the Port of Baltimore,   process. In moments of anger, bowl-
              tournaments and pot games at vari-  which is now in recovery mode, to   ers have been known to discard what
              ous centers. Wiseman said that even   ship and receive cargo. Faball was an   they deemed to be under-performing
              though the Baltimore Harbor and    innovator not only in ball technology   equipment in any number of creative
              Fort McHenry tunnels also got drivers   but also marketing, the   rst to place a   ways.
              across Baltimore Harbor, they could   logo — in this case, the Hammer logo
              become extremely congested.    at’s   — on the “side” of the ball so televi-  Long-time Bowling Executive
              why many bowlers would “go the long   sion cameras would beam it into mil-  Prokopec Passes Away at 77
              way around” and cross the Key Bridge   lions of homes on “Pro Bowlers Tour”   Ken Prokopec, a well-known
              to get to their bowling destinations.   telecasts.    e ploy was the brainchild   Midwest bowling personality, passed
              “It was longer for a lot of people, but it   of the late Dennis Baldwin, who   away on March 15. He was 77. Over
              took less time.” In later years, Wise-  owned Faball plants   rst in Baltimore   the course of his 40-year career in
              man would continue crossing the    and then a larger location in Rose-  bowling, Prokopec was a sales director
              bridge, albeit less frequently, to help   dale. Depending on how long it takes   for Brunswick, a proprietor in Illinois
              some of the youth bowlers he was   to remove bridge debris from the   and executive director of the Bowling
              coaching. Many bowlers from outside   harbor, many ships will be diverted to   Centers Association of Michigan.

                                                                  MORE BUSINESS DATES
                                                                  (continued from page 8)
                                                                  Aug. 10 (tent.) — National Bowling Day;
                                                                  Aug. 12-13 — Classic Products Trade Show, Circa Resort and Casino,
                                                                  Las Vegas, Nevada;
                                                                  Aug. 13 — Junior Gold Championships U18 Division Finals Telecast;
                                                                  CBS Sports Network
                                                                  Aug. 13 — PWBA Tour Championship Telecast; CBS Sports Network
                                                                  Aug. 13 — 98th Chicagoland BPA Golf Tournament, Silver Lake Country
                                                                  Club, Orland Park, Illinois;
                                                                  Aug. 15 — DiLaura Brothers Bowling Supply Trade Show, Sterling Lanes,
                                                                  Sterling Heights, Michigan;
                                                                  Aug. 19-20 — Classic Products Trade Show, Raymond James Stadium,
                                                                  Tampa, Florida;
                                                                  Aug. 24 — Washington State BPA Bowling Day at the Ball Park, T-Mobile
                                                                  Park, Seattle, Washington;
                                                                  Aug. 25 — Chicagoland BPA Bowlers Day, Guaranteed Rate Field,
                                                                  Chicago, Illinois;
                                                                  Sept. 12 — Connecticut BPA Annual Meeting, Spare Time Vernon,
                                                                  Vernon, Connecticut;
                                                                  Sept. 17-20 — AAMA Annual Meeting and Gala, Renaissance Chicago
                                                                  Marriott Schaumburg, Schaumburg, Illinois;
                                                                  Sept. 29-Oct. 1 — 19th annual Southwest Bowling Proprietors Trade
                                                                  Show, Embassy Suites Convention Center, Denton, Texas; klmbowl@
                                                                  Oct. 6-11 — BPAA School of Entertainment Center Management,
                                                                  International Bowling Campus, Arlington, Texas;
                                                                  Oct. 7 — BCA of Wisconsin Annual Meeting, Conference and Trade Show,
                                                                  Wintergreen Conference Center, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin;
                                                                  Oct. 8-9 — Foundations University, site TBA;
                                                                  Oct. 10-13 — Jayhawk Bowling Supply Pro Shop Training Class, Lawrence,
                                                                  Kansas; 800-255-6436 or

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