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              DeKalb on St. Patrick’s Day as the   Trade Show at Soaring Eagle Casino   B’s in Oklahoma City. Following the
              college town welcomed 127 of the 128   and Resort in Mt. Pleasant, May 14-  meeting there will be a networking/
              bowlers (63 in the adult division and   16. Registration is available online   happy hour for all member centers
              64 in the youth division) registered to   at… BCAM also   and attendees of the Bowling Center
              compete.    e event generated more   is hosting a three-day management   Management School that starts the
              than 14,500 entries in 45 Illinois State   school at Soaring Eagle from June   next day. To register for the Annual
              BPA-member centers. Storm Bowl-    11-13. Registration for that event also   Meeting, go to
              ing provided bowling balls and triple   is available at If
              roller bags for the adult bowlers not   you need personal assistance, please    PENNSYLVANIA
              earning prize money or smart televi-  contact Bo Goergen at 989-600-0992.     e BPA of Pennsylvania Board of
              sions. Storm also designed, produced                                  Directors will be meeting May 8 via
              and distributed a special St. Patrick’s    MISSOURI                   Zoom. All members are welcome
              Day-themed bowling shirt for each    Missouri BPA members should be   to join in. Registration is open at
              youth bowler.    is was the   rst year   on the lookout for an award nomina-… Save the date:    e
              the tournament was run throughout   tion form, coming soon in their email,   association’s Annual Membership
              Illinois rather than the Chicagoland   to recognize outstanding individuals   Meeting will take place on Aug. 2 in
              area exclusively. Once the   nal num-  within their business structure —   York, in conjunction with the Bowlers
              bers are calculated, the net proceeds   including Proprietor of the Year, me-  Supply Trade Show… Join BPAP at
              will be donated to the Bowlers to   chanics, food and beverage, and other   Bowl Expo in Denver as the associa-
              Veterans Link, which will direct the   service sta  .  For more information,   tion recognizes Al Blough and his Hall
              funds to Illinois Veterans’ Homes   call Robin Marshall at 817-385-8472.  of Fame career.
              throughout the state.
                                                    NEW YORK                           TENNESSEE
                 KENTUCKY                          Once again in 2024, the New York      e next Tennessee BPA board
                Make plans to attend the BPA of   State BPA will be joining with the Ace   of directors meeting will be held on
              Kentucky board of directors meet-  Mitchell Trade Show. On July 23, the   Tuesday, May 14, at Bowling World
              ing on Tuesday, May 7, at Dixie Bowl   Annual Membership Meeting will   in Cookeville.    e agenda includes
              in Louisville.    e agenda includes a   be held at Rivers Resort & Casino in   a presentation on Smart Buy pro-
              presentation on BPAA Smart Buy pro-  Schenectady. NYSBPA-member cen-  grams and how they can improve a
              grams and how they can impact your   ters receive up to two free hotel nights   center’s pro  tability. Lunch will be
              bottom line. A complimentary lunch   with registration. More details and   provided to all attendees, with the
              will be provided to all attendees,   registration information is available at   board meeting to follow. To register,
              immediately followed by the board                       go to or call Execu-
              meeting. To register for the meeting,                                 tive Director Michelle Colangelo at
              visit or call 817-    OHIO                            817-822-9416… Bowling World also is
              822-9416… For more information          e 2024 BCA of Ohio Convention   hosting the remaining rounds of the
              about the BPA of Kentucky, email   and Trade Show will be held May 20-  25th annual Tennessee State BPA Vol-
              Michele Colangelo at mcolangelo@   22 in Dayton.    e event will include   unteer Doubles May 4-5 and 18-19.
                              educational seminars, featuring an   Come out and cheer on your teams as
                                                 all-new Emerging Leaders Workshop   they compete to claim the title.    is
                 MARYLAND                        with Beth Standlee.    e BCAO Trade   year’s event includes a youth division
                   e Maryland BPA reminds all    Show will take place the afternoon   as well.
              member centers that Bowling Univer-  of Tuesday, May 21, and is free to
              sity’s online, on-demand courses are   attend. Networking and social events    VIRGINIA
              available to them at no charge.    is   also are planned. For more infor-     e Virginia State BPA would love
              is a bene  t centers receive for being   mation or to register, contact Jenny   to hear from members interested in
              an MDBPA member. To sign up and    Clarke at 937-433-8363 or jclarke@  becoming a part of the association’s
              access online classes, contact Kelly                  board of directors.    is is an opportu-
              Bednar at                                             nity for proprietors to get involved at
                                                    OKLAHOMA                        the state level and help move the as-
                 MICHIGAN                             e Oklahoma BPA will be host-  sociation into the future. Interested?
                   e BCA of Michigan will host the   ing its Annual Meeting on Monday,   Contact Executive Director Michele
              76th annual BCAM Convention and    July 22, at 6:30 p.m. at the new Andy   Colangelo (

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