Page 8 - BCM May 2024
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              The Magic That Is Bowl Expo

              A behind-the-scenes look at our industry’s premier event in Denver.

                   egular attendees say the networking, education and   speakers, thought leaders and topic experts that come
              R getting out of their business to work on their business   together at Bowl Expo is incredible.    e Expo Committee,
              are the best reasons for attending International Bowl Expo.   BPAA Education Department and Board of Directors are
              If you want to be good, get better and be pro  table in the   all discussing the top presenters months, if not years, in
              bowling entertainment industry, show up at Bowl Expo next   advance to ensure we get a high-level, on-trend, interesting
                            month in Denver.                       and inspiring mix of information. We know it’s the inspira-
                              I understand that’s a simplistic view   tion that will carry the information you learn back to your
                            when we’re knee-deep in business opera-  centers to be implemented.
                            tions, sta   ng, regulations and so on. But      e trade show   oor may be the most important place
                            you should know that BPAA’s Bowl Expo   to be at Bowl Expo. Never underestimate the power of
                            Committee works year-round to create an   visiting with existing or future vendors face to face.    ese
                            environment that makes the decision to   relationships and the ability to call on them when needed
                MANDY       attend easy. When you have an entire sta  ,   is priceless. Any issue I’ve ever had has always been worked
                 HAWS       committee and industry aligned to set up   out at Bowl Expo, where the right people are all available in

                            our members (and vendors) for success at   one place. If you are new to the industry or a   rst-time Expo
              Bowl Expo, that’s dedication I want to be involved with.  visitor, don’t miss the trade show.
                As conventions go, we’re a large group and we like to stay   A word to   rst timers: Don’t be shy.    e best of the best
              together in a fun place.    at means the locations and ven-  in our business are all around you and more than willing to
              ues have been scouted, contracts hashed out, and details   share their successes (and failures). I knew nothing about
              in the works for four to six years before you arrive at a given   this industry when I attended my   rst Bowl Expo. I showed
              year’s Expo. A large committee of sta   and experienced   up not knowing one person. I got invited to a meeting while
              volunteers will discuss (and                                               standing in a lunch line, and
              sometimes fuss) about all the                                              the rest of my BPAA experi-
              details up to a year in advance.                                           ences unfolded for me after that
                We start with a macro view of   The caliber of speakers, thought         because I attended that meeting
              the site location, proximity to   leaders and topic experts that           of other young proprietors.
              the trade show site and meeting   appear at Bowl Expo is incredible.         Our industry is full of incred-
              space, and then dive into details                                          ible people, and some of my
              of food-and-beverage availabil-                                            favorite and most inspiring
              ity, gathering spaces, meeting                                             moments occur during the
              spaces, trade show   oor layout, sta   meetings, work and   industry award presentations. When you see people who
              registration spaces, things to do in the city we’re visiting and   are willing to give back voluntarily to our industry, it should
              entertainment.                                       tell you there’s something special here. Entire lifetimes in
                Everyone wants our members to have the best experienc-  the bowling world are cast up on big screens set to music,
              es at Bowl Expo. We want the “wow” factor, too. If everyone   and it dramatically demonstrates how willing people in our
              has a great time and takes back actionable items that make   industry are to help each other. It’s more than a commu-
              their centers more pro  table and better places to visit and   nity; it’s a family.
              work, then we consider Expo a success for proprietors and   It will never be easier to bring your whole family to Bowl
              our vendors.                                         Expo than this year. I am so excited about the site and all
                We know our folks like to gather, so when you hear some-  the family and gathering opportunities it o  ers. Make this
              one mention networking, it’s the gathering spaces that play   the year you commit to coming to Bowl Expo, either as a
              a big role. If we can get good spaces to eat, drink and chat,     rst timer or a returnee. You won’t regret it. You’ll wonder
              the most magical networking in the world can happen. For   how you survived without it.
              me, the most valuable times and takeaways from Bowl Expo
              have happened in that environment.                     Mandy Haws is the proprietor of Sooner Bowling
                Just like the networking, our education environment   Center in Norman, Oklahoma, and chairs BPAA’s Bowl
              is the best in the entertainment industry.    e caliber of   Expo Committee.

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