Page 20 - BCM July 2024
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                                                           ship Meeting, being      the future, and interested parties
                                                           held at the Wyndham      should reach out to Executive Di-
                                                           Hotel on Friday, Aug.    rector John Karabatsos at jk@bpaa.
                                                           2 during the Bowlers     com or 817-385-8343, or President
                                                           Supply Trade Show        Jay Burnett.
                                                           in York. Register at
                                                 …  The         WISCONSIN
                                                           BPAP congratulates Al      Eight BCA of Wisconsin cen-
                                                           Blough for his Victor    ters will be in the spotlight when
                                                           Lerner Memorial Award    Green Bay and several surround-
                                                           and BPAA Hall of Fame    ing cities host the 2025 Junior
                                                           induction, a highlight   Gold Championships, July 11-19.
                    MARYLAND                               of Bowl Expo 2024 in     All competition will be conducted
                   The Maryland State BPA held its spring   Denver… Visit pabowl-   at BCAW member centers: The
                 meeting at Severna Park Lanes in An- for more state   Ashwaubenon Bowling Alley, Buzz
                 napolis. Attendees toured the facility and   information.          Social and Riviera Lanes in Green
                 its new arcade, and saw a presentation by                          Bay; Bowlero Super Bowl Family
                 Beth Standlee on “How to Work with All      TENNESSEE              Entertainment Center in Appleton;
                 Types of People.”                          Save the dates for the   Bowlero Sabre Lanes in Menasha;
                                                           Tennessee State BPA’s    Dale’s Weston Lanes in Weston;
                                                           Annual Membership        Revs Bowl Bar & Grill in Oshkosh;
                 OHIO                                      Meeting, which will      and Rolling Thunder Lanes in
                The Bowling Centers Association   start with a networking event on   Neenah. “We’re ecstatic to have
              of Ohio will be hosting two training   Tuesday, Oct. 22. The next day,   this prestigious youth bowling
              sessions this month, both in Co-   there will be a presentation by    event here in Wisconsin and to
              lumbus. A Brunswick A-2 Mechan-    keynote speaker Daniel Mowry       showcase this group of BCAW-
              ic Class has been scheduled for    on digital marketing, followed by   member bowling centers,” said
              July 15-18 at the Columbus Square   a complimentary lunch and the     BCAW Executive Director Roger
              Bowling Palace, to be followed by a   meeting. More information will be   Dalkin. “We know that our out-
              BPAA Management School July 29-    coming soon… Applications are      standing BCAW proprietors will do
              31 at Nationwide Hotel and Con-    being accepted for the associa-    an incredible job hosting this ma-
              ference Center. Both events have   tion’s board of directors. Those   jor tournament.”… BCAW centers
              limited spots available. Contact   interested should contact Execu-   saw more linage during regional
              Jenny Clarke at jclarke@bowlohio.  tive Director Robin Marshall at    competition of the 2024 Wisconsin
              com or 937-433-8363 for more or 817-925-8472,    Pepsi Youth Championships. Par-
              information or to register.        or President Phillip Cox.          ticipation numbers were up about
                                                                                    5.8% as compared with last year. A
                 OKLAHOMA                           VIRGINIA                        total of 1,874 youth bowlers in five
                The Oklahoma BPA is hosting        The Annual Membership Meet-      age/gender divisions participated
              a Bowling Center Management        ing of the Virginia State BPA will   in the 16 state regionals, up from
              School, July 23-25, at Andy B’s in   kick off with a networking event on   1,772. More than $30,000 in schol-
              Oklahoma City. The school is of-   Tuesday, Oct. 22. Then on Wednes-  arships were awarded at Revs Bowl
              fered free of charge for up to two   day, Oct. 23, keynote speaker Steve   Bar & Grill (boys’ divisions) and
              individuals from each member       Cieslewicz will present “100 Ways   Rolling Thunder Lanes (girls’ divi-
              center. Registration is available at   to Improve Your Profitability,” fol-  sions). The BCAW extends grati-
    , and questions     lowed by a complimentary lunch     tude to proprietors Erik Gialdella
              may be directed to Robin Marshall   and the membership meeting. Stay   (Revs Bowl Bar & Grill), Jack
              at                 tuned for more information… Ap-    Zellmer (Rolling Thunder Lanes)
                                                 plications are being accepted for   and their staff members for hosting
                 PENNSYLVANIA                    the association’s board of direc-  a tremendous event, and to Pepsi
                Registration is open for the BPA   tors. This is an opportunity to help   and Storm Bowling for their gener-
              of Pennsylvania Annual Member-     move the Virginia State BPA into   ous sponsorships.

              18  •  BCM  •  JULY 2024                                                     

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