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              helping to make this a successful   conducted the event.              record year with 405 center entries
              day… Harley’s Valley Bowl in Simi                                     and 164 teams advancing to the
              Valley recently hosted a sold-out     KANSAS                          state   nals.    is was the ninth year
              A-2 Pinsetter Maintenance School.    A jam-packed schedule of events   of this tournament, which debuted
              Attendees were exposed to four     has been planned for those attend-  after the BPAA Family Tourna-
              days of comprehensive classroom    ing the Kansas Bowling Proprietors   ment concluded its run. All told,
              sessions and hands-on training with   Convention, which is set for July 22-  $4,900 in scholarships were granted
              industry professionals from Classic   24 at the Embassy Suites in Olathe.   to the winning teams, plus each
              Products. Well-maintained pinset-  Education, entertainment and       bowler received Grand Prix pro-
              ting machines equate with a great   networking all will be in abundance,   gram scholarship dollars — push-
              guest experience, and attendees are   as the agenda includes sessions   ing the overall amount awarded to
              now better equipped to help make   on string pinsetting machines and   more than $10,000.    e   rst-place
              that happen.                       ticket redemption, outings to Top   teams — both youth and adult
                                                 Golf and a Kansas City Royals game,   members — received brand new
                 FLORIDA                         a hall of fame dinner, a hospitality   Ebonite bowling balls, certi  cates,
                   e 2024 BCA of Florida An-     room, food sampling by Sysco and   and an automatic entry as a team
              nual Membership Meeting will be    the association’s Annual Meeting.   into next year’s state tournament…
              held at Innisbrook Resort in Palm   For further information or to regis-     e deadline for the special hotel
              Harbor, Sept. 30-Oct. 1. Registra-  ter, email        rate for the upcoming BPAA Man-
              tion is open at Proprietors                                  agement School in Bossier City is
              can enter a team in the Bob Dykes     KENTUCKY                        quickly approaching. Contact Marc
              Golf Scramble, visit vendors at the   Ready to get engaged? Join      Pater at 225-603-5914 or Hannah
              welcome reception and trade show,   the Kentucky BPA for its Annual   Landrum at 985-634-9425 for more
              learn about AI and ChatGPT from    Membership Meeting, which will     information.
              keynote speaker Steve Lerch and    start with a networking golf outing
              network with fellow proprietors at   on Tuesday, Sept. 17, at Juniper    MISSOURI
              the awards banquet. Go to   Hills Golf Course in Frankfort.    e   Nominations are now open for the
              for more information.              following day, the association will   Missouri BPA’s annual recognition
                                                 be hosted by Frankfort’s Capitol   awards. If there’s someone from a
                 IDAHO                           Plaza Hotel. Featured speaker      center that deserves recognition for
                   e Idaho State BPA will host its   Bob Pacanovsky will present “   e   outstanding e  ort and/or service,
              Annual Membership Meeting on       Big 4 to Creating More Storytell-  they can be nominated through July
              Friday, Sept. 27, at the Eagles Lodge   ers,” followed by a complimentary   31 at Contact
              in Hayden. Stay tuned for details…   lunch, the membership meeting,   Robin Marshall at
              If you’d like to get involved and   and a tour of the Woodford Reserve   with any questions.
              work to help move the Idaho State   Distillery in nearby Versailles. Stay
              BPA into the future as a member of   tuned for more information, and    NEW YORK
              the association’s board of directors,   don’t miss this one… Applications      is is the last chance to regis-
              please contact Executive Director   are being accepted for the Kentucky   ter for the New York State BPA’s
              John Karabatsos at or   BPA Board of Directors. Members   Annual Membership Meeting, set
              817-385-8343, or President Vernon   are invited to get involved and   for July 23 at the Rivers Resort &
              Oertel.                            work to move the association into   Casino in Schenectady. It will take
                                                 the future. Anyone interested may   place during the Ace Mitchell Trade
                 ILLINOIS                        apply online at    Show. Register at… A
                   e   nals of the 2024 Storm/Roto   or by contacting Executive Director   total of 140 youth bowlers made it
              Grip Illinois State BPA Youth Handi-  Chad Newman at   to the   nals of the NYSBPA Youth
              cap Singles took place May 18-19   or 817-385-8357, or President Kent   Scholarship Tournament, held May
              at Joliet Town & Country Lanes in   Burgan.                           18 at Sportsman’s Bowl in Schenect-
              Joliet.    is season’s tournament                                     ady. More than $10,000 in SMART
              attracted 300 bowlers, an increase of    LOUISIANA                    scholarship money was awarded,
              16% over the previous season.    e      e Louisiana BPA’s annual state   and results may be found at nysbpa.
              ISBPA thanks the 45 centers that   Adult-Youth Tournament had a       com/tournaments.

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