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              ment center that remains bowling-  obstacle courses and an arcade     join the famed Budweisers team.
              centric. The first floor includes   among its amenities. A Krave      Hindel moved those 18 lanes to
              20 lanes that can be rented for    restaurant and bar also would be   a new location — above ground
              $25-45 per hour, while the second   included. The company recently    — in 1957. It proved to be a good
              floor features a private four-lane   signed an agreement to bring a   business decision, as a dozen lanes
              bowling area that can be rented for   Launch site to the Granite State,   were added in 1959 and another
              $45-55 per hour. The venue also    and at deadline was searching for   16 in 1974, bringing the total to 46.
              includes a restaurant, bar, covered   an ideal location.              Hindel’s son, Jerry, grew up in the
              patio with stage and arcade. It was                                   business and eventually became
              designed to evoke a “Miami kind    Indy Bowling Will Not Be the       its proprietor. Over 57 years in
              of vibe.” Operators are expecting   Same Without Hindel Bowl          the business, he’d serve on many
              business to be brisk in the opening   Bowling lost one of its historic   boards to help grow the sport, and
              months, so no leagues are planned   venues when the oldest center     in 1988 received the Indiana Bowl-
              at the outset.                     in Indianapolis, Hindel Bowl,      ing Centers Association’s highest
                                                 closed its doors for the final time.   honor, the Hy Delman Award. In
              Granite State Site Sought for      The business originated in the     recent years, Hindel said it had
              Next Launch Entertainment          basement of a downtown movie       become difficult to find and retain
                Launch Entertainment is ey-      theater, where Carl Hindel op-     workers, and when a buyer for the
              ing New Hampshire’s Merrimack      erated the Indiana Alleys and a    business could not be found, he
              Valley region for a new venue that   young Dick Weber worked as a pin   was left with no choice but to shut
              would include bowling, laser tag,   boy before moving to St. Louis to   it down.

                                                                         BCM  •  JULY 2024  •  13

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