Page 18 - BCM July 2024
P. 18


              Historic Bossier City to Host

              a 3-State Management School

                   istory bu  s love to learn about   the conference, providing
              H the names of cities, especially   breaks for the brain and
              those that have evolved over time.   networking opportunities
              Take Bossier City, Louisiana, as an   for attendees. Proprietors
              example. Located just a few miles   may register and pay online
              southeast of Shreveport along the   at
              Red River, Bossier City originally   school. For further informa-
              was known as Cane’s Landing, a     tion, contact Marc Pater at
              nod to its cotton, corn and sweet
              potato shipping. It brie  y was
              referred to as Alexander’s Precinct    ARIZONA
              and then Caneville.    e “Bossier”   Save the date for the Ari-
              name   rst was incorporated as a   zona BPA’s Annual Mem-
              village, then as a town and   nally as   bership Meeting, which will    COLORADO
              a city.                            be held on Tuesday and         The Colorado State BPA held its
                Come Aug. 6-8, bowling propri-   Wednesday, Oct. 15-16, at    spring meeting at Coors Field in Den-
              etors from Louisiana, Texas and    Let It Roll Bowl in Phoe-    ver on April 8, in conjunction with a
              Arkansas will converge on the      nix.    e meeting will start   Colorado Rockies game. There were
              Hilton Garden Inn in Bossier City   with a networking event     32 attendees, as well as special guests,
              for a Custom Content Manage-       on Tuesday, and then on      and the setting provided an ideal op-
              ment School presented by BPAA’s    Wednesday there will be      portunity for networking.
              Bowling University.    ere, the focus   a presentation by keynote
              won’t be on history, but rather on   speaker Daniel Mowry on
              business.                          digital marketing, followed by a   bowlers in the NorCal Youth Bowl-
                   e   rst day’s schedule will   complimentary lunch and the mem-   ing Association will be recognized
              include two educational sessions,   bership meeting. Stay tuned for   and almost $10,000 in scholarships
              one dealing with strategic market-  more information and don’t miss   will be awarded.
              ing and the other on a topic with   this one…    e Arizona State BPA
              which virtually every proprietor has   would love to hear from members    SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
              struggled since the pandemic: talent   interested in becoming a part of      e 41st annual Bowling Centers
              acquisition, training and retention.   the board of directors. Get involved   of Southern California Golf Tourna-
              On day two, three topics will be ex-  and work to move the association   ment at the Bella Collina Golf Club
              plored: digital marketing (with a fo-  into the future. If you are interested   in San Clemente, bene  ting youth
              cus on using arti  cial intelligence),   in serving on the board, contact   bowling scholarships, was a swing-
              customer service, and navigating   Executive Director John Karabatsos   ing success.    e event featured
              and reducing customer complaints.   at or 817-385-8343, or   a memorable day of networking
                 e conference will wrap up on day   President Stacy Anderson.       and fun, and when all the scores
              three with leadership development                                     were tallied, the winning team
              tips for   rst-time leaders and a look    NORTHERN CALIFORNIA         was Charlie Kinstler, Kevin Sabo,
              at   ve choices proprietors can make   Preparations are under way for   Mike Stanitsas and Collin Ashton.
              for extraordinary productivity.    the NorCal Bowling Centers’ annual   Special thanks to the event’s gener-
                Lunch will be served each day of   All-Star event on Aug. 3. Seventy   ous sponsors and the golfers for

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