Page 24 - BCM July 2024
P. 24


                        1974                     July 31. Despite being positioned as   ■ Co ee-and-donuts leagues are
                                                                                    nothing unusual in America. But at
                                                 the revenue-generating arm of Bowl-
                                                 ing Inc., STE operated at a $3 million   the new bowling center that’s located
                        FIFTY YEARS AGO
                                                 de cit during Ryan’s tenure.       inside a parking garage in Paris, the
              ■  e bubble has burst in the Japa-                                    league o ering is quintessentially
              nese bowling world. After reaching   ■ In what’s called an unrelated move,   French: café au lattes and croissants.
              a high of 125,708 lanes in March of   the Professional Bowlers Associa-
              1973, that number has shrunk to    tion announces it will join STE after   ■ Smaller centers in the Paci c North-
              104,700 as of March of this year. Japan   experiencing a “dramatic shortfall” in   west continue to close, the latest being
              is known for short-lived fads, and   advertising revenue for its “Pro Bowl-  the 12-lane Eighty-Second Avenue
              younger bowlers have moved on to   ers Tour” series on CBS. Meanwhile,   Bowl in Portland. In a metaphoric
              other things.  e good news is that   the PBA’s agreement with  e Mar-  slap in the face, it will be replaced by a
              league play is  nally starting to see   quee Group, the company tasked with   Nevada Bob’s Professional Golf Shop.
              some growth.                       securing those advertising dollars, is
                                                 “under review.”                             2014
              ■ United Nations Ambassador Daniel
              Moynihan rolls the  rst ball to chris-  ■ As part of its sponsorship extension   TEN YEARS AGO
              ten the four-lane installation at the   with the PBA, ACDelco is granted 16
              U.S. Embassy in New Delhi.         Pro-Am spots for its regional sales   ■ In a surprise presentation during
                                                 team at each Tour stop. “When he was   the USBC Senior Masters at the South
              ■ How to fairly handle dues for chain   still playing, Michael Jordan wasn’t   Point Bowling Center in Las Vegas,
              operators with a large number of lanes   going to take me into the Bulls’ locker   Johnny Petraglia receives bowling’s
              is the hot topic at the BPAA Conven-  room,” notes Paradigm Marketing   Flowers for the Living award.
              tion in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, where   and Communications President Marty
              Nick Mormando is elected president.   Gould, whose company functions as a   ■ It’s o cial:  e telecasts planned for
               e proposed $1-per-lane dues in-   liaison between the PBA and ACDel-  the 2014 World Series of Bowling will
              crease is tabled.                  co. “Tiger Woods isn’t going to say,   be taped at the new bowling stadium
                                                 ‘Hey, let’s go hit some balls.’ What the   at the South Point resort. Direc-
              ■ BPAA’s new $250,000 building in Ar-  PBA can o er that other sports can’t   tor of Bowling Mike Monyak green
              lington, Texas, is nearing completion.  is real accessibility to its stars for an   lights moving the TV taping from the
                                                 extended period of time.”          resort’s bowling center to the stadium
              ■ As speculation heats up over who                                    since construction of the new facility
              ultimately will succeed the late Billy   ■  e mammoth Hongta Sports   is months ahead of schedule.
              Welu in the “Pro Bowlers Tour” com-  Center in the northern China city of
              mentator’s chair, Dave Davis says   Kunming will be getting some bowling   ■ Before the New England Patriots
              he will chuck his bowling career if   center design assistance from Denver-  begin their National Football League
              selected. Meanwhile, the PBA’s TV   based Architectural Concepts. Kevin   pre-season, Splitsville Luxury Lanes
              coordinator, Frank Esposito, stresses   Mills and Kevin Sullivan present   is scheduled to open a $4.5 million
              that the decision will be made by   the conceptual design for a bowling   venue at Patriot Place in Foxboro,
              ABC-TV, not the PBA.               facility in the 2-million-square-foot   Massachusetts.
              ■ Most centers make a few extra bucks                                 ■ Motel Caswell in Tewksbury, Massa-
              o  pool tables and/or pinball ma-  ■ How can you bowl 390 meters below   chusetts is being sold to make way for
              chines. Two centers in California have   sea level without scuba gear? Visit   a proposed 45,000-square-foot bowl-
              more, uh, elaborate ancillary pro t   the new Golden Tulip Privilege Dead   ing center that will feature 32 lanes,
              centers. WonderBowl features an    Sea Resort in Israel, which boasts 302   including eight designated for parties
              elegant dinner theater, while Carolina   luxurious rooms, a beautiful spa, a   and corporate events.
              Lanes o ers a completely nude  oor   Scottish pub and an eight-lane bowl-
              show.                              ing center equipped with Heddon    ■  ree masked robbers make o  with
                        1999                     synthetic lanes and pinsetters and   $47,000 as league o cers were pre-
                                                 Qubica scoring. Plans call for a tour-
                                                                                    paring to distribute nearly $100,000
                                                 nament to be held that could go into   in season prize money to bowlers
                      TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO
                                                 the “Guinness Book of Records” as the   at Cozy Bowl in Queens, New York.
              ■ Steve Ryan will be departing as CEO    rst bowling tournament in the lowest   Police say they are looking into the
              of Strike Ten Entertainment, e ective   place on Earth.               possibility that it was an inside job.

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