Page 13 - BCM July 2024
P. 13


              event is scheduled for Oct. 26-27 at   games, miniature golf, a restaurant   You’ll recall that one of the centers
              Myrtle Beach Bowl in Myrtle Beach,   and a bar.    e $70 million complex   Plokhov oversaw had been honored
              South Carolina, where a guaranteed   is projected to provide $1.5 million   in BCM’s Architecture and Design
                rst-place prize of $10,000 will be up   in tax revenue, $39.1 million in total   Awards, only to see it leveled by a
              for grabs. For further information,   economic output and $10.7 mil-  Russian missile targeted at the shop-
              contact tournament director Krislyn   lion in wages and salaries annually.   ping center that housed it. Like so
              Tyler at      e proposed site is directly behind   many residents of Ukraine, Plok-
                                                 the Chicken N Pickle complex now   hov found his life in disarray, both
              FEC With Bowling Proposed          under construction along St. Rose   professionally and personally. While
              for Big Sports Venue Project       Parkway, one of the city’s busiest   trying to manage the aftermath of
                Growth in the Las Vegas Valley   thoroughfares.                     the attack on the business, Plok-
              continues to explode, and bowling                                     hov also needed to see that his fami-
              projects continue to be in the mix as   Catching Up With Ukraine      ly was taken care of. Seeking stability
              new developments are announced.    Center Operator Igor Plokhov       led Plokhov to venture in a number
                 e latest is a 180,000-square-foot   When last we checked in with   of directions in various industries,
              project in west Henderson designed   Igor Plokhov, who was managing   including one involved with trampo-
              primarily to attract regional tour-  multiple bowling-based family fun   line parks and another with post-
              naments for basketball, volleyball   centers in Ukraine when Russian   war sports infrastructure rebuilding.
              and indoor soccer. A family enter-  President Vladimir Putin began    He says he found the former to be
              tainment center component could    his brutal assault on the country,   lacking in the salary department,
              include bowling, laser tag, arcade   his family had relocated to Poland.   and the latter to be a bit preliminary

                                                                         BCM  •  JULY 2024  •  11

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