Page 12 - BCM July 2024
P. 12


              ‘Title Town’ Selected to Host

              Junior Gold Championships

                  he Junior Gold Cham-                   on July 13 will give up to   Sabre Lanes, Buzz Social, Dale’s
              T pionships could not                        10,000 competitors, their   Weston Lanes, Revs Bowl Bar and
              have a more appropri-                         families and bowling    Grill, Riviera Lanes and Rolling
              ate host city than the                        fans the opportunity       under Lanes, all BPAA members.
              Wisconsin community                           to attend the live TV        e 2024 edition of the Junior
              of Green Bay for its                            nals of the PWBA      Gold Championships is ready to roll
              2025 renewal.                                 Green Bay Open. (All    July 12-20 in metro Detroit. Host-
                Junior Gold brings                         rounds leading up to the   ing are 5 Star Lanes, Sterling Lanes,
              together youth bowlers                      stepladder   nals will be   Merri-Bowl Lanes, Oak Lanes, Super
              from throughout the country              contested at    e Ashwaube-  Bowl, Skore Lanes, Century Bowl
              for high-level competition with     non Bowling Alley from July 9-12.)  and    underbowl Lanes.
              their peers, an opportunity to earn   In addition to    e Ashwaubenon
              scholarship dollars and a chance   Bowling Alley, host centers for the   Centers in the Carolinas and
              to qualify for Junior Team USA. It   2025 Junior Gold Championships   Georgia Host Team Tourney
              provides a venue for rising stars to   will include Bowlero Superbowl      e 1st “Bring Your A-Team”
              shine and storybook tales to unfold.  Family Entertainment, Bowlero   Tournament has been unveiled by
                And that’s Green Bay in a nut-                                                    the Bowling Propri-
              shell. With a metro population of                                                   etors Association
              just over 300,000, Green Bay is the                                                 of the Carolinas
              smallest market — by far — in the                                                   and Georgia as a
              National Football league. Yet with                                                  mechanism to drive
              13 NFL championships, it   elds                                                     summertime busi-
              one of the winningest teams in the                                                  ness.    e event is
              league, and certainly one of the                                                    exclusive to BPACG
              most popular. As Bloomberg has                                                      member centers
              pointed out, by playing David to                                                    and was created
              the NFL’s Goliaths, Green Bay gives                                                 with the vision to
              hope to little people everywhere,                                                   “bring centers
              proving that with enough pluck,                                                     together for some
              skill and determination, anyone can                                                 fun, good-hearted
              compete and win at the very highest                                                 competition.”    e
              levels.                                                                             entry fee is $300
                Which brings us back to the 2025                                                  per team, and each
              Junior Gold Championships, which                                                    center is allowed
              will run July 11-19, and also the 2025                                              to bring more than
     Youth Open Champi-       Storm Products made a $45,000 donation to the   one team. Centers
              onships, which will take place July   International Bowling Museum and Hall of Fame dur-  may run qualify-
              9-11, 18-20 and 26-27.               ing the annual Xtravaganza doubles tournament at   ing tournaments
                Junior Gold week will kick o       the Red Rock resort in Las Vegas. Here, Storm Presi-  to cover the entry
              with a Product Showcase and trade    dent Tyler Jensen is   anked by museum curator Kari   fee and perhaps
              show at the Resch Center and Resch   Williams and chair Mike Aulby. For an Xtravaganza   provide some prize
              Expo in Ashwaubenon, Wisconsin.      report and photo album, turn to page 52.       money for travel.
                 e traditional opening ceremony                                                      e big   nale of the

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