Page 65 - BCM May 2024
P. 65

the summer easy and fun.                                                       something to do.  ey
                One of the obstacles is                                                      will bowl year-round.
              that some of your em-     It’s a good idea to cut back on hours of             Bowling also is exercise.
              ployees will try to tell   operation if you have some really slow              In fact, some Medicare
              you that nobody wants to                                                       plans will cover bowling
              bowl league in the sum-      day parts, but keep in mind that you              fees. Senior bowlers are
              mer. Punch them directly   can’t make money if you’re not open.                starting to ask for receipts
              in the nose. Okay, maybe                                                       to get this reimburse-
              don’t punch them, but                                                          ment. In the last few
              don’t accept that re-                                                          years, I’ve seen several
              sponse. People do bowl league in the summer and how   new retirees join multiple leagues. Some bowl every
              many people choose to bowl comes down to how well    day.  ere’s always a silver lining.
              we promote summer leagues.  e  rst step is always to   So, here’s the plan for driving summer tra c:
              ask for the sale.                                      • Take every reservation you can — even one lane at a
                Do you want to know who bowls in the summer?       time, if you’re up to it.
              People who don’t know they’re not supposed to bowl in   • Maximize revenue from free games — Kids Bowl
              the summer — new bowlers. Who else bowls league in   Free, bounce-back coupons, etc.
              the summer? Seniors bowl league in the summer.         • Maximize league bowling opportunities. Two-per-
                One of the few upsides to the fact that our league   son teams are okay in the summer. Staggered starting
              bowler base is aging is that they don’t have to work   times also are okay.
              anymore. Seniors love their routines and are looking for   Remember, this summer, there are no rules.

                                                                         BCM  •  MAY 2024  •  63

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