Page 69 - BCM May 2024
P. 69


              Games to Watch in the Wake of AEI

              First impressions are good. By Bowl Expo, the data should be in.

                  musement Expo International 2024 was noticeably larg-  football game by Baytek is impressively large at 13.5 feet
              Aer and more crowded than in years past. AEI provides   tall, and provides a simple but fun football toss experience.
              an opportunity to get updated numbers on new games (some   Baytek showed a smaller version, similar in size to “Down the
              introduced at the IAAPA Expo in November but not yet ready   Clown,” that will be an option for locations without the space
              to ship), and we now have sales data.               or budget for the large version.
                                e smaller show   oor is focused heavily   n “Spiderman” coin pusher by Andamiro.    is company
                           on arcades and FECs, providing signi  cantly   has been very successful with its pusher games, especially
                           more time to spend with vendors discuss-  the “Avengers” pusher that tops many lists for the best in the
                           ing new games and attractions.    is month,   industry.    e new “Spiderman” pusher is a beautiful game
                           we’ll focus on the new and newer games that   that generated a lot of buzz at AEI.
                           are interesting and we continue to monitor   n “Lane Master Extreme” by UNIS.    e original Lane
               HOWARD      in the   eld. Our philosophy is that a game   Master was a solid game at a reasonable price point.    e new
               McAULIFFE   must demonstrate ROI before we’re willing   version has upgraded features and a higher-end look and
                           to recommend it, no matter how much we   feel. If the price point is below average and the game per-
                           personally like it. Most of the games here still   forms well, it could be a nice capacity game.
              need to prove themselves in operation, but early results are   n “Drakons” by Adrenaline.    is new video game looks
              positive.                                           appealing and solidly built, and we enjoyed playing it.    ere
                n “Double Dribble” by ICE. A fun game that can be played   have not been a lot of new video games this year, but this is
              by young children head-to-head with a parent or older sib-  one to watch.
              ling. It likely will not be a top-10 earner but could provide a
              nice experience for the very young guest.           Cashing in on Cranes
                n “Zombie Ready, Deady, Go” by SEGA. Attractive and   Cranes remain an important part of the arcade as the
              appears solidly built. We’re looking forward to seeing earn-  games have a small footprint, are solid earners and last for
              ings.                                               years if maintained well.    ere are numerous new, nice-
                n “Goatz and Ropes” by Baytek. A very fun game that’s   looking cranes available from multiple manufacturers for less
              attractive and has a unique interactive component — a rope   than $3,000. We particularly like the “Smart Toy Chest” in the
              that must be pulled by the                                                   genre of low-cost cranes.
              player.                                                                        We also are intrigued by
                n “Godzilla VR” by Raw                                                     the “JJ Bot” crane from Smart.
                 rills.    is successful video   Amusement Expo’s show fl oor is               is machine has a robot
              game manufacturer — with       focused heavily on arcades and                inside that the player controls
              several hits including multiple                                              to pick up a prize.    e robot’s
              driving games as well as “Ju-  FECs, providing signifi cantly more            antics are part of the fun for
              rassic Park” — is investing a   time to spend with vendors talking           the player and spectators
              large portion of its R&D bud-  about new games and attractions.              alike. Our primary concern is
              get in virtual reality. Its   rst                                            that the cost is over $50,000
              VR game, “King Kong Skull                                                    and it’s a single-player game,
              Island,” has been successful,                                                so it will really need to earn.
              and “Godzilla” appears to have an upgraded headset and   We are monitoring all the new games throughout the
              improved game play and graphics. It is hitting the street this   spring. By the time Bowl Expo in Denver rolls around, we
              spring, so we should have good numbers by Bowl Expo. Look   should have solid earnings and reliability reports, and will be
              for more VR releases from Raw    rills in the future.  ready to recommend purchases. Please stop by and see us at
                n “Emerald City Wizard of Oz” pusher by Elaut.    e   our booth, or drop me an email if you would like updates on
              company’s original “Wizard of Oz” pusher sparked a resur-  game data or want to let us know about a new game we didn’t
              gence in pusher games.    e new version is a beautiful game   mention that is doing well for you.
              — available in six-, three- and two-player versions — that
              likely will perform well. We are considering this piece for   Howard McAuli  e is vice president of Pinnacle Entertain-
              upgrading older “Wizard of Oz” pushers.             ment Group and has more than 20 years of experience in the
                n “Tundra Toss Football Fury” by Baytek.    e new   FEC industry. He can be reached at 314-378-4522.

                                                                         BCM  •  MAY 2024  •  67

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