Page 70 - BCM May 2024
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              (continued from page 32)           presentation.                      lead themselves in the right direc-
                                                   Grannis has several suggestions   tion.”
                “ e D stands for ‘detail-oriented,’”   to help make the C-U-P process go a   For “present,” Grannis says that will
              Grannis says. “ ese people want all   little easier.                  depend on the audience.
              the details. How many balls are there?   “ e  rst step for any cake recipe is   “You have to  ex your description
              Do you have enough shoes for every-  to pre-heat the oven,” he says. “You   so that it matches a person’s style,”
              body? Where am I going to park? How   want to warm up the relationship just   he says. “We don’t always know if we
              much is it going to cost? All of those   the right amount before you move   might be presenting to several people,
              details.”                          forward.                           so you should broaden the way you
                By connecting with potential       “For ‘understand,’ you want to   describe things.”
              customers, people can choose what   make sure you ask good, strategic   One could say that’s a deliciously
              language to use when making their   questions. Let them talk.  ey will   simple recipe for success.

              RUBEN A. DANKOFF AWARD

              (continued from page 34)           better to do something than noth-  hour work week with the same pay
                                                 ing,” he says. “It doesn’t matter what   employees receive for a 40-hour work
                “Generating a lot of media cover-  you do — but you can’t a ord to be   week. And Wendy’s introduced dy-
              age during the COVID pandemic is   complacent.”                       namic pricing, which spawned some
              one of my proudest achievements,”    While public policy and legislative   talk of outlawing such pricing. Both
              says LaSpina. “We received plenty   service may not seem like an exciting   would drastically impact bowling
              of positive attention and made some   topic, LaSpina says getting involved   centers.
              important connections.”            with issues is one of the most impact-  LaSpina encourages proprietors to
                During the pandemic, LaSpina     ful and satisfying things proprietors   get involved with their state associa-
              shared his expertise and reopening   can do.                          tions. He says it’s a great way to meet
              document with other BPAA state as-   “Proprietors need to have a voice   your peers, share issues and voice
              sociations. He o ered to help others   and to pay attention to potential is-  your opinion.
              develop their own reopening docu-  sues,” he emphasizes.                “It’s easy to sit back, do nothing
              ment, a media plan and a frequently-  He cites two recent examples of   and complain,” he says. “If you get
              asked-questions sheet.             such issues. Vermont Senator Bernie   involved, you will always get back
                “In just about any situation, it’s   Sanders introduced a bill for a 32-  more than you give.”

              (continued from page 52)           them and what happens in their lives.   customer expectations are higher and
                                                  e more your employees’ lives are   customers want a full-service restau-
                n Touch base with each employee   working outside of the restaurant or   rant in addition to being able to bowl.
              daily. Learn about their families, inter-  bar, the more engaged, e ective and   Plus, a happier, more cohesive team,
              ests and stressors. Sometimes, it takes   e cient they’ll be for you.  along with e ective systems, lead to
              only a minute or two. A “Good morn-  When employee morale is high, em-  lower expenses, less turnover and
              ing,” “How was your evening?” “How   ployees don’t miss work and they’re   higher pro ts.
              was your daughter’s softball game last   willing to take extra shifts.  ey want   Anne invites everyone to participate
              night?” or, “Did you enjoy that concert   to help out because they know you   in the Restaurant Revolution. She
              last night?” all build a connection.  care about them.                promises her presentation will be fun,
                If you want employees to care about   So, why attend? Anne says there   fast-paced and chock full of helpful
              your business, you need to care about   has been a shift in entertainment,   information.

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