Page 64 - BCM May 2024
P. 64
When ‘Rules’ Go Out the Door
In the summer, ll lanes by any means necessary… well, almost any means.
uilding summer revenue is the easiest thing in run. e downside is that it’s the most di cult and the
B the world. ere might be something easier, but it most expensive way to build revenue. is is why we’re
doesn’t come to mind. e only rule for marketing bowl- going to focus on going No. 2… I mean this is why we’re
ing in the summer is: “ ere are no rules.” In general, I going to focus on No. 2.
like it when there are no rules. ings are more fun that I’ve conducted focus groups in the past and the No. 1
way. reason people go bowling is because someone they knew
So, what kind of fun can we have this asked them to go. is is also the main reason people
summer? We can have fun by driving join leagues. Our guests do the majority of our customer
customers to our centers. Strategy goes acquisition for us.
out the window during the summer; we’re e best way to keep this going is to provide excep-
just getting people in the door. Any rules tional service to every guest. Part of exceptional guest
your center may have about requiring 24 service should include some type of learn-to-bowl e ort.
GREG or 48 hours to book a reservation are not It doesn’t have to be a formal program or class. Learn-to-
PERKINS happening anymore. We’re going to book bowl can be as simple as giving a new bowler one tip that
everything. helps them improve their score. Congratulate new open
Should you reserve even one lane of open play? at bowlers when they bowl a good game. is alone may be
depends on how busy your center is in the summer. e enough to increase the frequency of their visits to your
way I look at it: e public center. I started bowling
thinks bowling centers regularly because the guy
are busy all the time. e that oiled the lanes told
average person doesn’t Strategy goes out the window during me I was pretty good. I
realize our business is the summer; we’re just getting people was throwing a 12-pound
seasonal. ey don’t even house ball at the time.
realize that more people in the door. Any rules your center may Every center should
go bowling at night. have about requiring 24 or 48 hours to o er some type of kids/
So, if a customer asks book a reservation are not happening. families-bowl-free
to make a reservation for program in the summer.
one lane of open play, it’s Our goal for the summer
probably because they’re is tra c. I’m aware that
concerned that they will have to wait for a lane. In fact, it some proprietors believe that giving away free bowling
might even lead to that customer not visiting your center. devalues our product. Free games are the equivalent of
If you take a reservation, it’s likely they will show up. sampling in a grocery store. Sampling works. Remember
I’ve tried this in the past and it absolutely works. Your that focus group I was telling you about? e second
sta may not love it, but it works so we’re going to try it. highest-rated reason people went bowling was because
You don’t have to listen to me. I’m just a proprietor; I’m they had a free-game coupon. More tra c means more
not a dictator. But if I were a dictator, it would be only for revenue in the summer.
one day. What else can we do to drive tra c to our centers in
ere are only three ways to build revenue. ey are as the summer? is may seem obvious, but you must open
follows: your center. It’s a good idea to cut back on hours of op-
1. Acquire new customers. eration if you have some really slow day parts, but keep
2. Get your current customers to visit more frequently. in mind that you can’t make money if you’re not open.
3. Increase the average check. Even if most of the tra c involves free bowling, you’ll
My advice for this summer is to focus on No. 2. It still get the shoe rental and snack bar revenue.
sounds a little disgusting, but as I’ve gotten older it has Last but not least: League bowling is a summer tra c
become more of a focus. driver. League bowling is the ultimate frequency pro-
Acquiring new customers is extremely valuable. It may gram. Remember what the rules are for summer market-
be the most valuable way to build revenue in the long ing: ere are no rules. is makes building leagues in
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