Page 60 - BCM May 2024
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               DENVER DINING

                         When it’s time to go out for a meal during Bowl Expo week,
                              you can’t go wrong with any of these 10 restaurants,
                        recommended by the people who live in and around Denver.

                  he Gaylord Rockies Resort,     melted mozzarella. Miles from the   under-the-radar bottlings from Spain
              T which will host the 2024 edition   resort: 18.3.                    and Portugal. Miles from the resort:
              of International Bowl Expo during    • Dio Mio. Italian. Try: lasagna   18.9.
              the days leading up to Indepen-    with beef cheek ragu. Miles from the   • Sap Sua. Modern Vietnamese.
              dence Day, o  ers several restaurants   resort: 16.5.                 Try: hamachi collar in a coconut
              that are certain to satisfy hungry   • Guard and Grace. Modern steak-  caramel sauce. Miles from the resort:
              convention-goers following long days   house. Try: the   let   ight, featuring   17.2.
              of walking the trade show aisles and   4-ounce samplings of prime, wagyu   •    e Wolf’s Tailor. Japanese-
              taking notes at education sessions.  and grass-fed   let mignon. Miles   Italian fusion (don’t knock it ’til
                But at some point during every   from the resort: 18.               you’ve tried it). Try: the multi-course
              Bowl Expo, there comes a time to     • Jax Fish House and Oyster Bar.   tasting menu — expensive but cre-
              venture o   property and explore      e name says it all… except for the   ative and unforgettable. Miles from
              the local culinary scene.    e greater   energetic vibe. Try: lobster malta-  the resort: 18.3.
              Denver area — which includes       gliati with beech mushrooms, sage       e drive to Denver’s downtown
              Aurora, where the resort is located   brown butter, lemon-shell  sh nage   area can take some time during rush
              — o  ers a seemingly endless array   and whipped ricotta. Be sure you’re   hour, so plan ahead and try to get
              of choices.    at’s why we picked the   headed for Denver’s LoDo neighbor-  a later-in-the-evening reservation.
              minds of local restaurant critics and   hood, which is an 18.5-mile trek from   But not so late that you won’t have
              foodies to develop this curated list   the resort.                    enough time for dessert.
              of 10 Denver-area dining destina-    • Molotov Kitschen
              tions. Each is ideal for celebrating an   + Cocktails. Eastern
              award-winning proprietor, negoti-  European. Try: bison
              ating a deal with a supplier or simply   short ribs with spicy
              spending time with one’s main      strawberry sauce. Miles
              squeeze and/or peers.              from the resort: 16.8.
                • Café Brazil. South American. Try:   • Noisette. French.
              moqueca de peixe, a   sh stew made   Try: Pariser schnitzel,
              with dende oil, scallops, shrimp and   a 12-ounce pan-
              Portuguese bacalhau. Be forewarned:   fried veal chop with
                 ere’s an adjacent rum bar that is   preserved wild onion,
              well stocked. Miles from the Gaylord   mustard cream and
              Rockies Resort: 19.1.              con  t potato. Miles
                • Carmine’s on McGregor Square.   from the resort: 18.
              Located in the bustling Coors Park   • Rioja. Modern Mediterranean    There is not a Starbucks co  ee shop
              district and serving Italian-American   and Spanish. Try: vegetarian four   inside the Gaylord Rockies Resort, but
              fare family style — making it per-  squares, a tasting of four seasonal   Starbucks co  ee drinks are served at
              fect for a large group. Try: veal alla   dishes. Even if you’re not a veg-  the property’s Rockies Marketplace.
              Carmine’s, sauteed in a white wine   etarian, you won’t feel deprived. Be   The resort also has several excellent
              marinara with mushrooms, and       sure to peruse the wine list, which   restaurants for Bowl Expo attendees —
              topped with capocollo ham and      includes an extensive selection of   as does the surrounding area.

              58  •  BCM  •  MAY 2024                                                      

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