Page 44 - BCM May 2024
P. 44


                Europe was an early adopter of the   convert “close to 3,000 machines to   “It’s all about value per square foot,”
              machines, both for tenpin bowling   strings.”                         says Ciniello. “With property costing
              and, primarily in non-English-speaking   Krol o ers a slightly further-reaching   so much today, you have to generate
              countries, nine-pin bowling. Rose says   prediction: “We expect that over the   revenue. If you have between 45,000
              conversions from free fall machines to   next three to  ve years, between 3,000   and 50,000 square feet, you may have
              strings has been under way for a while   and 5,000 free fall machines will be   only 24 or 28 lanes. You need the rest
              in Australia, where most new installa-  replaced [with string machines] in   of the space for all the other amenities
              tions are string machines.         the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany,   — arcades, food and beverage, and the
                “In 2020, our free fall to string ratio   Switzerland, Denmark, Norway and   ability to host corporate parties. And
              was 75% free fall and 25% string,” says   Sweden.”                    you need to maximize your open play
              Dykstra. “In 2023, the ratio shifted   An even more revealing number:   hours; shoe rental is huge. As a bowling
              to 35% free fall and 65% string in the   In the last three years in those seven   proprietor, I come from a traditional
              United States.”                    countries, BowlTech installed 1,860   center background, but I absolutely
                He is quick to note, however, that   string machines… and 26 free fall   love the hybrid business model.”
              free fall machines aren’t going away.  machines.                        Funk says he sees more and more
                “We will continue to see proprietors   Although each country has its own   traditional centers “integrating more
              who operate very successful bowling   bowling federation, European leaders   forms of entertainment to prolong the
              centers with the most advanced tech-  still consider what’s happening in the   time customers are spending there. It’s
              nological-based free fall machines,” he   United States when making decisions   a shift toward the family entertainment
              says.                              that impact the sport.             center industry.”
                A decision by the United States    “String machines are the new norm,”   Dykstra notes that “the average
              Bowling Congress to certify string   Krol asserts, “and the USBC decision   center size for the last few years has
              machines in the same category as   will only strengthen that sentiment   gone from 16 down to 13 lanes — but
              free fall machines caught most in   across Europe.”                   some of the decrease [can be attributed
              the industry by surprise.  e “smart   In Japan, Felton says the handful   to] the overall number of centers built.
              money” was on approval but with    of string installations there “have   We have seen big increases in the
              some sort of average adjustment    received high praise from manage-  number of boutique centers, whether
              involved, similar to that used for Sport   ment and bowlers alike.” He adds that   they be lanes that are part of a hotel-
              Bowling.                           he anticipates “increased adoption   resort, a restaurant or a bar venue.
                “When it was approved in the     because of the signi cant reduction    ey typically range from six to eight
              same category, it blew us away,” says   in operating costs and their enhanced   lanes and that brings down the average
              Ciniello. “It was a game changer.   safety features.”                 for the total market… We still see a fair
              Almost overnight, our greatest concern   Simeone says that string machines   number of 20- to 32-lane installations
              became keeping up with production.”  o er another bene t:  ere’s no   in the FEC or hybrid models.”
                Frewing shares Ciniello’s excitement   specialized equipment needed for pin   At US Bowling, Frewing says the
              about the unexpected development —   detection, nor “any sophisticated soft-  most common number of lanes in new
              or, at least, how quickly it came about.  ware for image analysis.” He adds that   builds is between six and 16.
                “For at least the last  ve or six   all of the major string machine manu-  “ is has been true for the last 10
              years, the majority of new bowling   facturers have provided the technical   years,” he says. “In today’s world,
              center installations have been with   information needed for his company’s   bowling is just one of the major rev-
              string machines that were not USBC   scoring software to interface with their   enue generators in these new, upscale
              approved,” he says. “So the trend of   machines.                      venues.”
              the industry moving toward string                                       Rose says that the average number
              machines had already been in full   Lane Count Trends                 of lanes in Down Under new builds is
              motion.  e USBC decision to approve   Statistics gleaned from BCM’s   around 12 in small to medium-sized
              string machines for league and tourna-  annual Bowling Center Architecture   FECs. A number of retirement villages
              ment play will allow existing centers to   and Design Awards indicate that   have added a pair of lanes to their
              make the much-needed change, and   the average number of lanes being   recreation facilities.
              will turn out to have one of the greatest   installed in new builds today has been   Ciniello says his company is seeing
              impacts on the bowling business in its   gradually decreasing over the past two   average installations of “between 18
              history.”                          decades. With the exception of unusual   and 24 lanes in the United States.  e
                Ciniello says he believes that this   markets such as Las Vegas, the days of   Main Events and Bowleros are still
              year alone, QubicaAMF, Brunswick,   new centers spanning 60 lanes or more   going to build a little bigger; European
              US Bowling and Funk will collectively   are gone.                     markets will be smaller.”

              42  •  BCM  •  MAY 2024                                                      

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