Page 43 - BCM May 2024
P. 43

Tyler Jensen                       Graeme Rose                         Paul Sylvia
                  Alex Funk                          Hans Krol                       Roberto Simeone
              but some are still trending higher, and   manufacturers and distributors alike.”  bowling business: the proliferation
              they are responding to the amount of   Sylvia describes the last four years   of string pinsetting machines.
              business by reinvesting in their centers   as “a rollercoaster for bowling, with      e number of men and women
              in many ways.”                     2020 and 2021 devastated by COVID   seeking careers as pinsetting machine
                   at trend was mirrored in Europe   and 2022 and 2023 seeing record sales   mechanics is dwindling.    e average
              where, Krol says, “bowling centers are   volume.” But that comes with a caveat:   number of lanes being installed in
              busy and, more importantly, customers   “I don’t believe 2022 and 2023 repre-  new builds is decreasing, which lessens
              are spending money — more revenue   sent a sustainable market… so we are   the need for full-time mechanics.    e
              per visitor.”                      focused on getting back to more tradi-  number of parts required to keep free
                Adds Krol: “   e recovery after COVID   tional sales trends prior to COVID.”  fall machines running is much higher
              has been remarkable in all European                                    than the number of parts used in
              markets, some stronger than others, of   The String Era Arrives        string machines. It’s a math problem
              course. As a result, bowling proprietors   Sales trends are all about numbers,   that adds up to string machines
              started to spend some serious money   and an array of numbers are contrib-  becoming the choice of more and
              in 2023, resulting in a very good year for   uting to “the next big thing” in the   more proprietors.

                                                                         BCM  •  MAY 2024  •  41

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