Page 42 - BCM May 2024
P. 42


                         Chris Chartrand                    Corey Dkystra                      David Frewing
                                           Pat Ciniello                      Jeremy Felton
                State of the Global

                 Bowling Business

                Industry leaders weigh in on where we’ve                              “We managed to open 80% of the

              been, where we are and where we’re going.                             locations and operate,” he told BCM.
                                                                                    “Imagine, while active combat is still
                                                                                    going on and cities are bombarded by
                                       BY BOB JOHNSON                               Russian missiles and bombs, people
                                                                                    are ready to play.”
                  oet and author Maya Angelou    the International Business Depart-   While that no doubt is the most
              P famously observed, “You can’t    ment of American Bowling Service in   extreme example of a “business
              really know where you are going until   Japan; David Frewing, president of   disruption,” the business of bowling
              you know where you have been.”     US Bowling Corporation; Alex Funk,   is impacted in numerous other ways
              Similarly, Winston Churchill suggested   president of Funk Bowling North   every day.
              in a 1948 speech to the British House   America; Tyler Jensen, president of   “Transit times have been extremely
              of Commons, “   ose that fail to learn   Storm Bowling; Hans Krol, chief execu-  di   cult to navigate,” says Jensen about
              from history are doomed to repeat it.”   tive o   cer of BowlTech in Europe;   shipping bowling balls and other
              Taking time to re  ect can be chal-  Graeme Rose, managing director of   consumer products to various interna-
              lenging in a world that’s evolving at   Tenpintec/Cybernetic Solutions in   tional markets. “With water levels at an
              an ever-faster pace, and the changes   Australia; Roberto Simeone, president   all-time low in the Panama Canal and
              taking place in bowling sometimes   of Steltronic Scoring; and Paul Sylvia,   the Red Sea shipping crisis caused by
              seem to be turbo-charged.          vice president of Dexter Bowling.  the Houthi rebels, it reminds you that
                But understanding both where                                        even moving bowling balls is subject to
              we’ve been and where we are today are   Of Wars and Water Levels      climate and political issues.”
              critical to ensuring a successful future   You don’t have to tell Igor Plokhov
              for the bowling industry — an industry   how life can change in the blink of an   Revenue Trends Post-COVID
              that must be healthy if there is to be a   eye based on events over which one      e global unrest comes at a time
              future for the sport.              has no control. He was managing a   when bowling has been enjoying one
                Who better to assess the state of the   chain of bowling entertainment cen-  of the strongest business periods in its
              industry than the people who have   ters in Ukraine when Russian President   history following the mandated busi-
              skin in the game? Eleven executives   Vladimir Putin decided to invade   ness closures during the COVID-19
              took time out of their busy schedules   the country and missiles destroyed a   pandemic.
              to contribute to this BCM White    shopping center in which one of the   “   e rebound that has happened
              Paper (in alphabetical order): Chris   bowling venues was located.    in the industry just goes to show how
              Chartrand, chief executive o   cer of   After living through the terrifying   much people crave socialization and
              Kegel; Pat Ciniello, chairman of the   early days of the war and moving his   a sense of community,” observes
              board of QubicaAMF; Corey Dkystra,   family to safety in Poland, Plokhov ulti-  Dykstra. “In speaking with proprietors,
              chief executive o   cer of Brunswick   mately relocated to Scotland.    ere, he   many of them had their highest rev-
              Bowling Products; Jeremy Felton, vice   manages the remaining Lucky Strike   enues ever in 2022. Many have seen   at
              president of sales and marketing for   centers remotely.              business or small declines since then,

              40  •  BCM  •  MAY 2024                                                      

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