Page 40 - BCM May 2024
P. 40


              You’ve Come a Long Way,

                             Amleto and Verity

                      BPAA will salute Monacelli and Crawley with

                        service awards at International Bowl Expo.

                  PAA’s industry service awards,   those contributions have not gone   just because we’re curious,” said Joe
              B for the most part, recognize     unnoticed, resulting in Monacelli   LaSpina, vice president of Maple
              proprietors who give sel essly to the   being selected for BPAA’s Media   Family Centers. “ e numbers have
              betterment of the bowling business.   Award and Crawley for its Dick   been really impressive — a bit over
              In 2024, two of those awards will go   Weber Bowling Ambassador Award.  100,000 per month — and people
              to individuals known primarily for   When Monacelli went to work for   really seem to enjoy them.”
              their accomplishments on the lanes:   Maple Family Centers as a house pro   While Crawley o ers coaching tips
              PBA and USBC Hall of Famer Amleto   (and, later, pro shop operator), a “Tip   for a modest subscription fee on her
              Monacelli and PWBA champion        Tuesday” video series was instituted   website, it’s her work on behalf of the
              Verity Crawley.                    and made available on Facebook,    industry that brought her the coveted
                Neither Monacelli nor Crawley    Instagram and YouTube.  ese short,   Weber award, named for one of the
              was born in the United States, and                                        most beloved bowlers of all-
              perhaps that contributed to their                                         time. Among numerous appear-
              willingness to give back to a sport                                       ances in 2023 alone, she served
              that provided them with so many                                           as an ambassador for Strike Ten
              career and personal opportunities.                                        Entertainment during NASCAR
                Monacelli hails from Venezuela,                                         weekend at the Phoenix Inter-
              where a promising soccer career was                                       national Raceway, where STE
              short-circuited when his parents                                          was involved in a number of
              purchased a bowling center. By the                                        activations to boost bowling’s
              age of 17, his athletic attention had                                     visibility.
              turned to bowling, and the level of                                        Monacelli and Crawley will
              his talent made a move to the United                                      be honored during the industry
              States to join the PBA Tour inevi-                                        awards brunch on July 2 at
                Crawley was born in Poole, Dorset,
              United Kingdom, and raised in
              Bournemouth. She started bowling   Bowling stars Amleto Mo-
              much earlier than Monacelli, at    nacelli and Verity Crawley
              age 5, and recalls her  rst goal as   are among BPAA’s industry
              becoming good enough to beat her   service award recipients for
              brother. Seven years later, she won   2024. Monacelli is shown in
              a silver medal as a member of Junior   a screen grab of his online
              Team England at the United World   “Tip Tuesday” series, while
              Games in Vienna.  at led to more   Crawley is shown during
              international youth competition,   last year’s NASCAR week-
              world-class coaching at Florida’s   end in Phoenix.
              Webber International University and
              the PWBA Tour.                     easily digestible vignettes are pro-  International Bowl Expo in Aurora,
                While Crawley’s pro career is    duced to help bowlers improve their   Colorado — which is 2,987 miles
              just blossoming and Monacelli’s is   games and stay interested by giving   from Monacelli’s childhood home
              winding down, both are contributing   them something to work on.      and 4,649 miles from Crawley’s.
              to the industry in other ways. And   “We have been tracking their reach                 — Bob Johnson

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