Page 46 - BCM May 2024
P. 46


                And in Europe, Krol adds, “If I   noticeable decrease in sales of entry-  Dykstra points to South Korea,
              average it out, 87% of the centers we   level balls, bags and shoes over the   Southeast Asia and Europe as warm
              are building are FECs.”            past 15 months, driven primarily by   markets, while North America remains
                 at said, don’t count out the sport   the reduced number of new recre-  hot. Ciniello agrees that Japan is a cold
              entirely. As Jensen notes, there’s a   ational bowlers investing in equip-  market but sees it as an opportunity.
              44-lane, state-of-the-art stadium about   ment as compared to the boom that   He adds that several parts of Europe
              to open just outside Seoul, South   occurred coming out of the pandemic   are doing well and sees Vietnam as an
              Korea.                             in 2022.  e market for new bowlers   emerging market.
                “When I toured the facility, I’m not   has tapered o  a bit, but we anticipate   Krol, whose company serves a vast
              sure if I ever closed my mouth,” he   that this market will rebound later this   swath of Europe, polled his various
              says. “Seeing it  rst-hand reminded   year.”                          o ces to gauge the relative health of
              me of the  rst time I walked into the   Storm has long focused on the com-  bowling across the continent. Reports
              National Bowling Stadium (in Reno,   petitive side of bowling, and Jensen   indicate that while the Baltic states,
              Nevada). I was in awe the entire tour.   says that realm is evolving.  Finland and Portugal are cool, other
              Every detail that could have been    “We are seeing the amateur-level   markets are doing well. Germany,
              thought of for a world-class bowling   player grow and increase more than   Switzerland, Austria, France, Den-
              facility has been thought out, all   the professional type,” he says. “ e   mark, Sweden, Norway and the U.K.
              the way down to the logistics of the   exciting part of this movement is we   are all considered warm, while the
              parking garage.”                   are getting more requests for technical   Netherlands and Belgium are hot.
                A Q3 or Q4 opening is anticipated.  support from the pro shop side, as    e United States and Europe
                Such venues serve as a reminder   well as more requests on teaching   remain strong markets for US Bowling,
              that lane care — and lane care prod-  amateur bowlers the technical aspects   while western Europe, Scandinavia,
              ucts — remain relevant even in an age   of bowling — not only the mechanics   Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and
              when FEC and hybrid business models   of bowling, but also the dynamics of   Vietnam have complemented Kegel’s
              are proliferating.                 bowling balls.”                    strong U.S. business.
                “Our bread and butter is de nitely   Jensen adds that the global bowling   Frewing notes that bowling
              the competitive bowling scene, but   ball market is still trending in the right   exploded in popularity in the United
              FECs and hybrid centers still need to   direction but is not without its chal-  States during the 1950s and ’60s,
              maintain their lanes,” says Chartrand.   lenges.                      joined by Japan in the ’70s, Europe
              “In a purely entertainment setting,   “ ere have been some strong     in the ’80s, Asia in the ’90s, Eastern
              the centers will de nitely use less lane   challenges that have been frustrating   Europe in the 2000s and the Middle
              conditioner, but hybrid centers tend   because they are out of our control,”   East over the past 10 years. He adds
              to condition their lanes like traditional   he says. “ e  rst is the strength of the   that while those markets are now
              centers for consistency.”          dollar.  is has been especially hard in   “pretty saturated,” they still provide an
                Adds Chartrand: “ e various ways   Japan, where the dollar has been at all-  opportunity for growth via equipment
              lane maintenance is implemented    time highs to the yen. Other markets   upgrades.
              — from traditional centers to FECs to   like Korea have battled the strength of   Adds Chartrand: “ e new business
              hybrids — remains similar around the   the dollar, and there has been some   models balancing recreation and sport
              world.”                            relief in those markets compared to   will ideally provide a solid  nancial
                                                 Japan.”                            foundation for future success. We
              The Consumer Side                                                     need bowling centers to be open and
                Bowling’s consumer products sector   A Look in the Crystal Ball     thriving for a new generation of cus-
              has long targeted the competitive    Indeed, leaders almost unanimously   tomers to fall in love with bowling and
              side of the game — the league and/or   see Japan — which has declined from   become lifelong enthusiasts.”
              tournament bowler hoping to improve   more than 3,600 centers at its peak in   Krol says he is optimistic about
              their average or win some prize    1972 to around 660 post-COVID — as   bowling’s future, in part because of its
              money. How is it faring during this   one of the industry’s few cold markets   glorious past.
              perceived period of transition?    because of the country’s economic    “Bowling is an evergreen [activity]
                “League and tournament bowling   woes. Two signs of hope: Most of the   with a long and rich history,” he says.
              remains strong, and this continued   remaining centers are outperforming   “It has adapted to today’s high-tech
              success is providing steady sales for   their pre-COVID numbers, and the   world with a fresh look and feel. To
              consumer products,” says Dykstra.   South Korean market, which often   me, that seems to be a perfect cocktail
              “ e market for performance bowling   parallels that of Japan, has seen its   for success — for proprietors and
              balls remains strong.  ere has been a   number of centers increase recently.  manufacturers alike.”

              44  •  BCM  •  MAY 2024                                                      

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