Page 44 - BCM July 2024
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              created by local artists.          company’s third and largest venue,   attract the younger generations,
                Meow Wolf’s second permanent     is home to one of Denver’s most    Meow Wolf exhibits — and des-
              exhibition is in Las Vegas, where   unusual performance and event     tinations like them — represent
              its “Omega Mart” attraction has    venues.                            the competition. And that’s where
              been described as “America’s most    There also are two Meow Wolf     immersive on-lane entertainment
              exceptional grocery store,” a place   installations in Texas — Houston   comes in.
              that is “unpredictably mind scram-  and Grapevine — and another is      Today, proprietors have the
              bling and perspective shifting.”   coming soon to Los Angeles.        ability to offer Meow Wolf-like
                “Conversion Station,” the          For bowling centers seeking to   experiences to their community

                                                                              HyperBowling is a revolutionary bowling-based
                                                                              attraction that’s built to extend a center’s reach be-
                                                                              yond the existing bowling population — to reach
                                                                              younger generations and increase their spending
                                                                              and frequency of visits, and ultimately a center’s
                                                                              overall revenue. The blend of software, mechanical
                                                                              design, futuristic user interfaces, electronics, lights
                                                                              and sensors deliver a captivating on-lane experi-
                                                                              ence. The lights on the bumpers create moving
                                                                              targets that players aim to hit (or avoid). There are
                                                                              multiple games, each with its own unique set of
                                                                              challenges and levels that are easy to learn, and a
                                                                              bowler must hit the bumper to score. Each colorful
                                                                              target on the bumpers is worth a di erent multi-
                                                                              plier value (two times, three times…) and each pin
                                                                              knocked down is worth 100 points. So, a 2X multi-
                                                                              plier and eight pins down scores 1,600 points. But
                                                                              watch out: The red target always results in a score
                                                                              of zero. HyperBowling is an exciting, engaging,
                                                                              fast-paced game in which every ball is di erent; it’s
                                                                              like playing a physical video game on a bowling
                                                                              lane. The four di erent games provide a variety of
                                                                              challenges to  t di erent styles, skills and moods.

                CLUTCH BOWLING
                Clutch Bowling is an on-lane
                projection system accom-
                panied by Kegel Specto. It
                provides high-de nition
                lane e ects and games, as
                well as precise tracking for
                training features. With a vast
                array of lane, ball and gutter
                cap e ects, it will deliver
                entertainment for all ages
                and skill levels.

              42  •  BCM  •  JULY 2024                                                     

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