Page 26 - BCM July 2024
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                                           PRODUCTS & SER

              BRUNSWICK BOWLING                                                         QUBICAAMF
              Brunswick’s Sync Service Kiosk alleviates labor                           With EDGE String Pinspotters from Qubi-
              concerns while improving the guest experience.                            caAMF, the pins are always on spot and the
              This fully integrated technology reduces wait                             USBC-approved design delivers authentic
              times, streamlines ordering, improves accuracy                            pin action and scoring in line with free fall
              and upsells on every transaction. It features two   machines. EDGE String Pinspotters adjust string length through a bowling
              new convenience-oriented additions: a game card     management system. The system changes string length based on the type
              dispensing system and league payment options.       of play; QubicaAMF’s bowling management system takes care of the work
              Guests can build and purchase personalized experiences —  including   for operators. Hosting USBC league and tournament play? Use the USBC-
              bowling, food, beverages, game cards and other attractions — through   approved string length mode, which produces a log of all games bowled
              captivating digital displays. The kiosk’s consistent sales presentation and   for easy reference. For casual play, the strings shorten automatically for
              upselling increase spend per visit, enhance order accuracy and reduce wait   exceptional frames per stop performance.
              times, making it an essential business tool for modern centers.  MORE:
                                                                  LAI GAMES
                           RAW THRILLS/PLAY MECHANIX              “SMASH DX” is an o  -road style racing simulator —
                           After a three-decade wait, the NBA has made a   an immersive, exhilarating and rugged racing experi-
                           triumphant return to the arcade. In partnership with   ence designed to thrill guests. With breathtaking
                           the National Basketball Association and the NBA Play-  graphics, motion that’s expertly timed with onscreen
                           ers Association, Raw Thrills and Play Mechanix have   action and user-friendly controls, players of all ages
                           introduced NBA Superstars, a high-  ying, backboard-  can easily dive into the world of o  -road racing.
                           shattering, three-versus-three basketball blockbuster.  Guests can earn rewards to help them defeat opponents, including boosts,
                           MORE:                   electric shocks and various weapons. Up to four cabinets can be linked,
                                                                  enabling friends and families to go head-to-head for bragging rights.
              PIA PRODUCTS
              The iHome SoundBoost Glow Pro Color-Changing Water-
              proof Bluetooth Speaker is just one of more than 50 iHome             VAVR LED/VENTOLA PROJECTS
              items that PIA Products o  ers as high-end prize options for          Experts in LED lighting and display solutions,
              bowling center and BEC redemption areas.  iHome’s award-              Ventola Projects has introduced an enhance-
              winning, innovative and cutting-edge products can be                  ment in its VAvR LED display masking panels for
              found in more than 40 million households and are certain to           bowling entertainment centers. Ventola Projects’
              be a hit with a center’s arcade game winners.                         versatile VAvR LED technology outside the FEC
              MORE:                                                 environment can be found across airports, shop-
                                                                  ping centers, sports arenas and billboards, enhancing facilities for customer
                                                                  and management engagement.
              PUTT MANIA                                          MORE:
              The minds behind LaserBlast laser tag equipment have introduced a
              new, innovative technology for mini golf. The Putt Mania technology was
              developed to enhance both new and existing indoor mini golf attrac-  VENUE INDUSTRIES
                             tions as it can retro  t to any indoor course. Putt   Make a sculptural statement with the new Logan Chair
                             Mania uniquely supports synchronous multi-player   from Venue Industries. The Logan Chair features soft,
                             with automatic stroke tracking, allowing it to play   rounded edges and solid wood legs that are angled
                             like traditional mini golf with enhanced features.   subtly outward. Proprietors can specify a boucle, wool
                             Thrilling lighting and sound e  ects, along with   or mohair fabric to amplify the chair’s coziness and
                             entertaining animations, augment the mini golf   create an inviting atmosphere. The chair is perfect for lobbies, common
              experience by introducing interactive components to the timeless game.   areas, dining rooms and VIP lounges.
              As players travel from hole to hole, their scores follow them on both digital   MORE:
              touchscreen hole markers and vibrant leaderboards, boosting the excite-
              ment and the competition.
              MORE:                                 BENCHMARK GAMES
                                                                              Benchmark Games International LLC is set to release its
                                                                                rst licensed boxer, “Popeye” boxer. Celebrating its 95th
              STELTRONIC                                                      anniversary this year, the iconic cartoon character and his
              Focus–NEX scoring from Steltronic provides a com-               cast of friends and foes are featured front and center on
              prehensive suite of features and software modules,              this new attraction. “Popeye” will be the   agship model of
              ensuring that a center’s investment is in a complete            the BGI boxer product line. Players will compete for high
              package. With more than 44 years of expertise,                  scores and ultimately max-out the “Spinach Can Power
              Steltronic’s software and hardware are designed                 Meter.” In addition to dazzling lights and sounds, a mar-
              to endure the test of time. User-friendliness exists            quee adorned with Bluto, Olive Oyl and Popeye serves as
              both at the front desk and on the lanes, created by             the cherry on top, infusing the cabinet with a vibrant touch
              a team of dedicated software and hardware engi-                 of pizzazz. BGI also has standard boxers, kickboxers and
              neers, all devoted to ensuring guest satisfaction and a center’s success.  kickboxers with prizes available for immediate shipment.
              MORE:                                     MORE:

              24  •  BCM  •  JULY 2024                                                     

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