Page 36 - BCM May 2024
P. 36


               A Collaborative Cure                                                 Cuomo to allow their businesses to
                                                                                      “We own two bowling centers in
               for COVID Pandemic                                                   New York State, one in New York City
                                                                                    and two in Florida,” notes LaSpina.
               Relentless work and a willingness to help others                     “During the pandemic, it was like we
                                                                                    were in three di erent universes.  e
               brings Joe LaSpina the Ruben A. Danko  Award.                        guidelines for closing and reopening
                                                                                    were very di erent, depending on the
                                       BY BARRY SPARKS                              location.”
                                                                                      Frustrated after being excluded
                  oe LaSpina will receive the                                       from New York’s Phrase  ree
              J BPAA’S Ruben A. Danko  Award                                        reopening program, proprietors were
              for Public Policy and Legislative                                     concerned they wouldn’t be included
              Service at International Bowl Expo in                                 in Phrase Four reopening plans,
              Denver on July 2.                                                     either.
                LaSpina is being recognized for                                       LaSpina and other members of the
              his “relentless advocacy work to help                                 New York State BPA reached out to
              proprietors in New York and other                                     state lawmakers and presented their
              association legislative representatives                               case for reopening centers in a safe
              develop their state programs.”                                        environment.  ey emphasized the
                “Winning the award was a surprise                                   social distancing and disinfecting
              and a great honor,” said LaSpina on                                   protocols in place.
              the day before he left for a three-day   Joe LaSpina says those who get in-  LaSpina had developed a 30-page
              government a airs meeting in Wash-  volved with public policy — or almost   reopening document that under-
              ington, D.C. He and several other   any other volunteer e ort — will always   scored customer safety, employee
              proprietors met with a national lobby   get back more than they give.  safety and exceeding the Centers for
              group to discuss timely issues that                                   Disease Control guidelines.
              could impact the bowling industry.  president of Maple Family Centers.   “We were ready to embrace testing
                LaSpina, 46, is president of the    e  ve centers, three located in   and social distancing,” he says. “A
              New York State Bowling Proprietors   New York and two in Florida, have   pair of lanes is 11 and a half feet wide,
              Association and takes every oppor-  been family owned for three genera-  and we believed that was ample
              tunity to “tell our story” to state and   tions. Joe is the vice president of the   space for social distancing. Our
              national legislators, as well as the   company and proprietor of Coram   bowlers were aching to return to the
              media.                             Country Lanes on Long Island.      center.”
                “ e bowling industry has           Over the past decade, LaSpina has   By sharing bowling’s story, LaSpina
              some amazing stories to tell,” he   spearheaded a number of e orts,   helped gather the support of local
              stresses. “Bowling centers are great   either opposing or advocating for   politicians.  e New York State BPA
              employers, assets to their communi-  legislation in the best interest of   sent letters to state senators, assem-
              ties, friendly gathering places, host   bowling. He says when the state   blypersons and the governor, as well
              frequent fundraisers and are venues   budget gets tight, bowling often is in   as press releases to the media.
              for an a ordable activity that appeals   politicians’ crosshairs.       Local Assemblyman Stephen
              to all ages.”                        “Politicians often look to see how   Hawley wrote a letter to Governor
                LaSpina knows, however, that if the   they can generate more tax revenue   Cuomo advocating for a Phrase  ree
              story isn’t constantly told, bowling   from bowling centers,” he points out.  reopening of bowling centers. It was
              and its contributions get overlooked.   LaSpina believes that “pester   signed by 17 other state legislators.
               at’s why he has focused on public   power works.” He adds: “ e idea is   Long Island Assemblyman Joseph
              policy and legislative services the   to politely overwhelm state legislators   DeStefano hosted a pair of video
              past 10 years. He says public relations   with stories and facts.  at generally   press conferences, during which
              often blends with politics.        gets their attention, and then they’ll   local politicians made a strong case
                “Often times, a bowling center’s   listen.”                         for reopening centers.
              impact isn’t noticed until it’s gone,”   He was particularly e ective during    e e orts paid o  as the bowling
              he says.                           the COVID pandemic. New York       centers were allowed to reopen in
                LaSpina learned the value of telling   State bowling proprietors worked   Phrase Four.
              bowling’s story from his father, John,   hard to convince Governor Andrew         (continued on page 68)

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