Page 32 - BCM May 2024
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Bowler League idea he got from Larry had just three centers left and sold with charities, schools and chambers
Ducat. them to Bowlero Corp., retiring to a of commerce. “All bowling is local,”
Not long after acquiring Garden life of bowling leagues and an annual he noted.
Spot, Blough began building a appearance at the Xtravaganza He also stressed that operators
chain of centers that would eventu- fundraiser for the bowling museum, need to be ready to adapt to changing
ally number ve. He typically took in which he teams in the doubles tastes. And he added that one
24-laners and expanded them to event with 2004 Victor Lerner Award operating philosophy hasn’t changed
48 lanes, “all with sports bars and recipient Jamie Brooks. He also since his earliest days in the busi-
arcades.” He also owned a pair of travels around the world with wife ness: “Have programs to turn novices
tness centers. Jane and remains quite fond of the into bowlers. You can teach enough
Blough was a busy man. In addi- Caiman Islands. He may no longer people to bowl and create your own
tion to serving on the national League work in the industry, but he’s happy customers.”
Development Committee, he became “to give advice to someone who No stranger to accolades — he was
a three-time president of the BPA asks.” the recipient of the V.A. Wapensky
of Pennsylvania. He also was active So, in case you were wondering: Award in 2018 — Blough said he
in the Multi-Unit Bowling Informa- “Bring the center up to 21st century considers himself a lucky man to
tion Group, which he called “one of standards with the latest scoring and have been hired as a bowling center
the biggest boosts to my business a wide concourse that’s level with the manager, despite having no back-
career,” and a leader in after-school lanes. Know your market. You have ground in the sport.
bowling. He even spearheaded the to have knowledge of the strength of “I was taking a job where people
installation of a pair of outdoor lanes the community and the number of come mainly to have fun,” he said.
in mid-Manhattan for use on the people that are potentially available.” “You’ve got half the battle won, [so]
“FOX and Friends” program. He also urges proprietors to get just make sure they have fun. at
at was in 2012. By 2021, Blough involved in the community, working was always my goal.”
30 • BCM • MAY 2024
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