Page 34 - BCM May 2024
P. 34


               A Deliciously Simple                                                 trust. If we’re meeting somebody for
                                                                                    the   rst time, we want to do everything
                  Recipe for Success                                                we can to help them feel comfortable
                                                                                    with us and trust us. You want to make
                                                                                    that connection.”
                                                                                      Making the connection, however,
               Sales expert Roger Grannis will provide easy-to-remember             relies on asking the right kind of ques-
               tips for keeping your customers happy and returning often.           tions, Grannis stresses.
                                                                                      “   ere are two types of questions:
                                     BY JOHNNY CAMPOS                               strategic and tactical,” he says. “A
                                                                                    strategic question asks an open-ended
                  he path to success in the bowling   some memories of her late husband,   question. It gets people to talk for a
              T industry doesn’t have to be      and then they baked a cake together.  longer period of time versus a tactical
              complicated. In fact, the recipe can be   His mother made a connection with   question. We call that a closed-ended
              as easy as C-U-P.    at will be the key   the woman, understood her situation,   question. How many children? What
              message delivered by Roger Grannis   and that presented an opportunity to   time? Do you want cake with that?
              in his Bowl Expo presentation entitled,   help her.                     “   e power comes when we ask
              “   e Yellow Cake Principle: Your    “   e ‘Yellow Cake Principle’ helps   a strategic question that taps into
              Recipe for In  uence and Success.”  people remember the process,”     somebody’s emotions and gets them
                Grannis, an expert in sales com-  Grannis says. “   ere are three key   to paint a picture of what they hope
              munications, has been preaching    ingredients — three key steps — and   this activity is going to be — whether
              this message to groups for years, and   they spell the word ‘cup.’”   it’s a party for kids or an o   ce team-
              believes the process will translate to      e C stands for connect, the U for   building event.”
              the bowling business.              understand and the P for presenting   But even asking the right questions
                “I’ve spent 30-plus years in sales,   information in a way that is custom-  won’t do any good unless the correct
              customer service and communica-    ized to the individual person, based on   language is used in the interaction.
              tions,” he says. “I’ve put together a   the conversation up to that point.  Grannis has de  ned four languages
              three-step process — recipe, if you will   “With ‘connect,’ we want to make   of in  uence that describe potential
              — for how to grow your business and   a true human-to-human connection   customers.
              keep your customers happy so they   with people so that they’re engaged   “   e four languages spell the word
              can keep coming back.              with us and want to have a conversa-  ‘sold,’” he says. “   e S is ‘steadfast.’
                “I’ve worked hard on this workshop   tion with us,” Grannis says. “With      ose people want bullet points.    ey
              so that the core components are the   ‘understand,’ we want to ask ques-  want you to be direct and to the point.”
              same. But it will be customized to the   tions, listen and hear what people are      is group would include people
              bowling audience. A lot of my talks   telling us. Why do you like to come to   such as Donald Trump and Simon
              are helping non-salespeople learn the   the bowling center? Ask really good   Cowell, he says.
              tricks of the trade of how to get their   questions, not just to gather the infor-  “   e O stands for ‘outgoing,’”
              point across — how to get people to   mation, but because we want them to   Grannis adds. “   is would be some-
              say yes.”                          feel heard and understood.         body like Robin Williams — energetic,
                Grannis developed the presenta-    “After you make the connection and   lively; they want to hear about fun and
              tion through a childhood memory. He   understand the person, then you can   possibilities. How are we going to have
              recalls a time when his mother helped   ‘present’ just the right information   fun?
              a destitute stranger who had just lost   in the right way that resonates with   “   e L stands for ‘loving.’    ey
              her husband and was on the verge of   them.”                          want to hear about how coming to
              homelessness. His mother listened to   Grannis stresses that being a good   your bowling center is going to help
              the woman’s story, asked her to share   listener pays more dividends than   bring harmony and peace. So, if it’s
                                                   being a good talker when addressing   an o   ce party, we want to emphasize
                                                   prospective customers.           team building — how they’re going to
              To view a Bowling                      “One of the biggest mistakes   feel more connected after having an
              University “Pro  t                   people make is they talk too much   afternoon at a fun place.”
              Break” interview                     and say the same thing to every-      is group would include people
              with Roger Grannis,                  body,” he says. “You want to estab-  such as Mother Teresa and Mr. Rogers,
              scan this QR code.                   lish a relationship   rst. People like to   Grannis suggests.
                                                   buy from people they know, like and           (continued on page 68)

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