Page 30 - BCM May 2024
P. 30


                ‘Just Make Sure                                                     legend. He put a dollar down, then
                                                                                    paid o  the balance with a 20-year
                                                                                    mortgage.  e monthly payments
                They Have Fun’                                                      were “based on the business [the
                                                                                    owner] was doing. And I made the
                                                                                    business run much better.”
                                                                                      Using telephone solicitors long
               Al Blough’s simple success secret led to a long                      before the practice became de
               career and election to the BPAA Hall of Fame.                        rigueur, “we’d capture names and
                                                                                    we hired people to call them and
                                                                                    invite them in.” It wasn’t unusual
                                    BY DENNIS BERGENDORF                            for people to “bring a friend” to try
                                                                                    to knock down the pins, and if the
                   l Blough went from a 22-year-                                    guests didn’t know how, there were
              A old college graduate who had                                        nearly constant learn-to-bowl classes
              never thrown a bowling ball to being                                  available.
              the recipient of the Victor Lerner                                      “We’d teach them how to bowl and
              Memorial Medal, an odyssey that                                       then they were more than happy to
              took 64 years and was  lled with                                      join a league,” Blough noted.
              highs and lows — mainly highs.                                          And Blough made sure there were
                 e Lerner Medal is the BPAA’s top                                   plenty of leagues from which to
              honor and recognizes a proprietor                                     choose.
              for a lifetime of service to the bowling                                “I put a league in everywhere I
              industry. It includes induction into                                  could get it… double shifts each
              the BPAA Hall of Fame and a per-                                      night, with  ve people on a team.
              manent place on the walls of BPAA                                      at’s just what you did,” he said,
              headquarters and within the walls of   Al Blough                      matter-of-factly.
              the International Bowling Museum                                        He reluctantly adopted the then-
              and Hall of Fame in Arlington, Texas.   ment that may have been salvage-  new practice of letting league bowlers
                Blough, never one to toot his own   able.                           bowl free all summer.
              horn, accepted the news with typical   Blough got his start in 1958, just   “ at was a good promotion,” he
              humility.                          after graduating from the private   conceded.
                “It was a big surprise to me,” he   Juniata College. His father Henry and   By then he was active in BPAA, and
              said. “I’m thrilled for that to happen   two partners put him in their Colo-  he got on the League Development
              to me. I never expected anything like   nial Hills Bowling Center as manager,   Committee.
              this. My thoughts were, ‘Oh, I didn’t   even though he was not a bowler. But   “Everybody had di erent ideas,
              feel that I deserved that.’ On the   that quickly changed.            and we put together an enormous
              other hand, I met the criteria for it.”  “I was working at a bowling alley   book with all kinds of promotions to
                Indeed, he does. At the peak,    as manager, so I had plenty of time to   get people to bowl leagues — every
              Blough owned  ve bowling centers.   learn to bowl. I had lots of people to   possible idea for a promotion that
               ey were fun places, busy and      teach me,” he said.                you could want,” he recalled.
              vibrant, with strong league bases and   Teaching bowling became the     Asked about the oddest league he
              waiting lists for open bowling on the   foundation of his decades-long   pulled from the book, he pondered
              weekends.                          bowling career.                    the question for a moment and then
                Well, all but one… Stingray Lanes,   “Teach bowling. Teach bowling.   said, “ e tattoo league.”
              the hard-luck 10-laner on Grand    Build your customers,” he empha-     Bowlers, it seemed, just had to
              Caiman Island that was walloped  rst   sized. It’s a philosophy that led to   have tattoos, and “it went wild.”
              by 911’s decimation of tourism and   his managing  ve centers. “ at was   Dozens of artfully adorned folks were
              then by one of the most ferocious   before cell phones and fax machines.   on the lanes and having a good time.
              hurricanes in Caribbean history.   I had to drive around to pick up the    ey also consumed their share
                “When the hurricane hit, we didn’t   paperwork from all  ve. In nine   of alcohol, which was exactly the
              have enough insurance to rebuild,”   years, I learned how to run centers.”  purpose of the Rum Bucket loop.
              Blough said, so in 2004, he and      In 1967, he purchased his own      “We had hundreds of teams that
              partner Pat Ciniello “called it a day,”   establishment, Garden Spot Bowl, in   came out for it,” Blough said.
              not even retrieving any capital equip-  a move that became something of a   And let’s not forget the Lousy

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