Page 28 - BCM May 2024
P. 28


              TOUCHTUNES                                           QUBICAAMF
              TouchTunes has unveiled a completely revamped        Neoverse, the immersive bowling entertainment
              mobile app that makes the digital jukebox experience   universe from QubicaAMF, has next-level design
              more seamless and engaging, connecting consumers     that delivers new dimensions of sight, sound and
              in person through the power of music. With the app,   sensations that promise to wow, captivate and
              users can explore all TouchTunes jukebox locations   attract new and existing guests. The Neoverse
              from a new interactive map, save their favorite places   includes an all-new LED Video Wall that’s fully
              and  lter by recent check-ins. Playlist a cionados can   integrated into other products, including the BES X Bowler Enter-
              show o  their DJ skills by curating their own playlist   tainment System, HyperBowling, Intelligent Lighting and more. It’s
              before a night out with friends without needing to   also backed by a cloud-based entertainment library, which makes
              check in to a venue  rst. The app is now in closed Beta   adding new content easy.
              and will be available for new and existing users to download starting   MORE:
              this summer.
                                                                             SURESHOT REDEMPTION
                                                                             Sureshot Redemption o ers low minimums and
                                  LAI GAMES                                  a quick turnaround time through its new Custom
                                  LAI Games has unveiled a new o -road       Logo Branding Program. The company has graphic
                                  racing simulator, SMASH DX, an im-         artists who can fully customize logos, as well as an
                                  mersive experience designed to bring       extensive logo catalog featuring several great prizes
                                  big thrills to guests. With breathtaking   that can be branded with custom logos — enabling
                                  graphics, motion expertly timed with       guests to take home long-lasting memories of their
              onscreen action and user-friendly controls, players of all ages can   favorite family fun center.
              easily dive into the action-packed world of o -road racing. Guests also   MORE:
              can earn rewards to help them defeat opponents, including boosts,
              electric shocks and various weapons. Up to four cabinets can be
              linked, enabling friends and families to go head-to-head for bragging
              rights. Other new LAI titles include Cosmic Tower, Asphalt Moto Blitz,   A&A GLOBAL
              Dragon’s Bane and Air Strike.                        A&A Global is exclusively o ering Sqwishland
                                                                   Farm Plush, a collectible bunch of characters
              MORE:                                   from the Sqwishland farm region. Each case
                                                                   contains 26 regular series characters and 10
                                                                   rare versions. Each character comes with a
              ANDAMIRO USA                                         corresponding hangtag with a QR code so
              Andamiro USA Corp. has launched an in-               guests can bring them to life on the Sqwishland website.
              novative trade-in program for operators              MORE:
              looking to refresh their crane machine
              o erings. The program invites operators
              to trade in the motherboards (PCBs) from
              any of their crane machines — regard-                         STELTRONIC
              less of make, model or year — for a                           Steltronic has introduced a new bowling ball stor-
              substantial credit toward the purchase of Andamiro’s new Crazy Toy   age solution. The compact table has ample room in
              crane machine. Under terms of the program, operators can receive   the settee area to accommodate up to 12 balls. For
              a $300 credit for trading in one to four PCBs, and a $500 credit for   those looking to take their game to the next level,
               ve or more PCBs. The trade-in o er is available through authorized   Steltronic o ers an optional keypad that controls
              Andamiro distributors through May 31.                         two lanes from a single tabletop. And with dedicated
                                                                   space for pizza and drinks, bowlers can focus on what they do best
              MORE:                                while enjoying the convenience of this new design.
                              VENUE INDUSTRIES
                              The Treya Chair from Venue Industries pro-
                              vides a trifecta of modernity, minimalism and   PIA PRODUCTS
                              mood. It’s perfect for bowling center lobbies,   The Nintendo Switch OLED Gamer’s Kit
                              common areas, dining rooms and VIP lounges.  has everything for play and maintenance,
                                                                   making it a great redemption item. The
                              MORE:           50mm Driver headset delivers explosive
                                                                   game sound. Comfort Grip sound has
                                                                   an ergonomic design and extra padding
              OMEGA PATTERNED WORKS CARPET                         to protect the console, while the travel
              Omega Carpet will design a pattern that suits a      case protects and holds accessories such
              proprietor’s style — modern, traditional or abstract.   as games and cables. Joy-con controller grips are durable and
              Centers trying to match their masking units can have   improve hold. The car charger can be used when users need to
              Omega come up with a design in glow or non-glow.     play on-the-go.
              MORE:                          MORE:

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