Page 26 - BCM May 2024
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                        1949                     Walt Disney Studios Orchestra for   annually to visually chronicle Interna-
                                                                                    tional Bowl Expo.
                                                 many years.
                      SEVENTY FIVE YEARS AGO               1999                     n Steve Smink, convicted of orches-
              n Members of the Billiard and Bowl-                                   trating the  re that destroyed Loyle
              ing Institute of America convene in        TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO      Lanes in Vineland, New Jersey, in
              Colorado Springs, Colorado, for their                                 2010, is sentenced to 15 years in
               rst-ever meeting west of the Missis-  n  ere are big di erences between   prison. Smink owned a nearby center
              sippi River.                       the original agreement bowling     and allegedly hired two Philadelphia
                                                 struck with Reno to build the National   men to set the  re.
                        1974                     Bowling Stadium and the ongoing    n  e Macon campus of Middle
                                                 negotiations with Osceola County to
                                                 bring a Bowling Inc. headquarters   George State College gets a new
                        FIFTY YEARS AGO
                                                 and competition arena to the Orlando   82,500-square-foot student center that
              n Nielsen ratings indicate that the   area. First, the original Reno contract   includes an indoor “lazy river,” four
              recent telecast of the PBA Lincoln   spanned 15 years, while the Orlando   bowling lanes and numerous other
              Mercury Open broke the all-time “Pro   deal is pegged at 20 years. Second, to   attractions.
              Bowlers Tour” record with 7.36 million   protect local proprietors, no public
              households and 21,344,000 individuals   bowling was allowed at the Reno sta-  n  e former Woodhaven Lanes in
              turned in.                         dium, whereas it would be permitted   San Bruno, California, shuttered for
                                                 at the Orlando venue. Talks continue.  two years, is revitalized and reopened
              n  e 13th annual Beat the Champi-                                     by Salvatore Muzzi, who incorporates
              ons contest, sponsored by the Chicago   n A new PBA Pro-Am format will be   red, green and white into the color
              Sun-Times, generates 202,556 entries   utilized at the ACDelco Challenge in   scheme as a nod to his Italian heritage.
              as area bowlers use their league scores   October. Instead of enticing amateurs   One thing that has not changed at the
              (with handicap) to try to beat the   with high-end bowling balls or a prize   newly christened San Bruno Bowl-
              target scores of Dave Soutar (663) and   fund, with no guarantee of bowling   ing Center is the venue’s foodservice.
              Dotty Fothergill (587).            with “name” players, the ACDelco   Charlie Chu, who continued to oper-
                                                 Pro-Am will feature the top 16 players   ate his Corkwood Restaurant at the
              n  e Odin automatic pinsetter,     in the world and entrants will roll 16   site after Woodhaven closed, will now
              manufactured by Furukawa Company   Baker games — one with each pro.   build upon his 32-year run.
              Ltd., is being imported into the United
              States by Nisshoiwai American Corp.  n It’s decided that the ABC Masters   n Bowling has come to California’s
                                                 will no longer necessarily be held in the   Mammoth Ski Resort with the open-
              n Despite the protests of local schools   arena that hosts the ABC Tournament   ing of Mammoth Rock ’n Bowl, which
              and clergymen, citing the center’s ben-  proper, a move that will potentially   features an elevated dining experience
              e t to the community, Lincoln Bowl   enable it to be included in the PBA’s   among its draws.
              in San Francisco will be torn down to   TV package.
              make way for an apartment complex.                                    n In the 33rd annual “Best of Las
                                                 n An investor is looking to open a   Vegas” voting conducted by the Las
              n Brunswick will build the  rst mod-  six- or eight-lane bowling center in   Vegas Review-Journal, Red Rock Lanes
              ern bowling center in Sao Paulo, Brazil   Kazakstan.                  is named “best bowling alley.”  e
              (population: 8 million), and also will                                editors’ pick in that category is South
              run it.                            n A study reveals that bowlers donated   Point Bowling Center.
                                                 $73.5 million to various charitable
              n Georgia Veatch, founder of the Pro-  causes in 1988.                n Speaking of South Point, work on
              fessional Women Bowlers Association,                                  the new bowling stadium that will host
              passes away. She was scheduled to be         2014                     multiple USBC national championship
              inducted into the WIBC Hall of Fame                                   events in coming years is six months
              19 days later.                                                        ahead of schedule. Director of Bowling
                                                            TEN YEARS AGO
                                                                                    Mike Monyak describes the venue as
              n Ken Lowman is named general      n  e International Bowling Media   “a serious facility.  ere are not going
              manager of the California Bowling   Association bestows its Luby Hall   to be tables to set pizzas on.  is is
              News. He’s a member of the Songwrit-  of Fame Award on Hero Noda, the   where you go to bowl. You don’t play
              ers Hall of Fame and played in the   proprietor from Japan who volunteers   softball at Yankee Stadium.”

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