Page 24 - BCM May 2024
P. 24


              Title: BCTV Finance Director.                                   Would Consist of: Gol  ng in the morning
              Birthplace: Dallas, Texas.                                      and bowling in the afternoon.
              Schooling: University of Arkansas.                              Topping I Put on a Hot Dog: Ketchup only.
              Pet: I have a border collie named Milo.                            e Best Burger I Ever Ate Came from:
              A BPAA Sta   Member Since: July 2023.                           Haystack Burgers [& Barley].    ey have a lot
                 oughts So Far: I have really enjoyed work-                   of good burger options, plus they have the
              ing in the bowling industry and being a part                    best spicy ketchup of all time.
              of the BCTV team.                                               Favorite Type of Sandwich: Italian.
              Favorite Aspect of BCTV: Bowling centers                        Toppings I Put on a Sundae: Hot fudge and
              being able to utilize the network to promote                    brownie pieces.
              di  erent aspects of their business, along with                 Guilty Pleasure:
              providing an additional revenue source.                         Hot Fudge
              When I Was a Child I Wanted to Be: A pro    DERREK BREEDEN      Sundae.
              golfer.                                                         Favorite Ice
              Childhood Hero: Dirk Nowitzki.                       Cream Flavor: Chocolate
              Favorite Pro Sports Teams: Dallas Mavericks and Dallas   fudge brownie.
              Cowboys.                                                anksgiving — Ham or
                                                                   Turkey? Ham.
              Breeden’s favorite fast-food                         I Am Most Grateful For:
              indulgence, the Bu  alo                              My family and friends.
              Chicken Strip Sandwich
              from Whataburger, isn’t                              Favorite Pizza Toppings:
              on the menu all the time.                            Pepperoni, chicken and
              But when it is, it o  ers 970                        jalapeño.
              calories of spicy satisfaction.                      A Skill I Wish I Had: I wish  “Where the Red Fern Grows,”
                                                                   I could code.             considered a timeless classic
              Favorite College Sports Team:    e best team in the SEC   Favorite App: Bleacher   about a boy and his dogs,
              (Southeastern Conference), the Arkansas Razorbacks.  Report.                   is Breeden’s favorite book.
              Favorite Type of Food: Chinese.                      Onion Rings or Fries? Fries.  Breeden has a border collie
              Favorite Beverage: Dr Pepper.                        Favorite Board Game:      named Milo.
              Favorite Fast-Food Restaurant: Whataburger.          “Monopoly.”
              Favorite Item from    at Restaurant: Bu  alo Ranch   Favorite Card Game: Blackjack.
              Chicken Strip Sandwich.                              Favorite Gambling Games: Craps and blackjack.
              All-Time Favorite TV Show: “Breaking Bad.”           PC or Mac? PC.
              Current Favorite TV Show: “True Detective.”          Favorite TV Game Show: I don’t really watch game shows,
              All-Time Favorite Movie: “   e Greatest Game Ever    but used to really like “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”
              Played.”                                             Favorite Reality Show: None!
              Favorite Place to Vacation: Anywhere with a beach.   Favorite Comic Strip Character: Popeye.
              Favorite Musician: Big Wild (real name: Jackson Stell).                             Favorite Book:
                                                Starbucks,                                        “Where the Red
                                                Dunkin’ or Mc-                                    Fern Grows,” by
                                                Cafe: Dunkin’.                                    Wilson Rawls.
                                                Favorite Color:                                   Favorite Author:
                                                Blue.                                             Stephen King.
                                                I’m Really                                        Favorite Quote:
                                                Good At: Stay-                                    “Never let the fear
                                                ing focused and                                   of striking out keep
              “Breaking Bad,” Breeden’s all-time   organized.
              favorite television show, spawned                                                   you from playing the
              millions of followers and even led to the   I’m Really Bad                          game.” (Babe Ruth)
              opening of the Breaking Bad Store and   At: Directions.                             Best Advice I Ever
              mini-museum in the Old Town district of   I Am Very    ank-  Haystack Burgers & Barley has   ve   Received: “   e
              Albuquerque. Among the store’s many   ful for: GPS.  locations in and around Dallas, and   harder you work,
              souvenirs for sale: themed Christmas      e Perfect   Breeden says their spicy ketchup is   the luckier you get.”
              tree ornaments.                   Weekend Day       “the best of all time.”         (My parents)

              22  •  BCM  •  MAY 2024                                                      

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