Page 72 - BCM June 2024
P. 72


               Evolution Continues in Lansing

              A 1972 ADVERTISEMENT for Holiday Lanes in Lansing,   add its Megaplex Entertainment concept to Desert Color
              Michigan, proclaimed, “The Automatic Scorers Are Here!”   in St. George. It will be part of a master-planned commu-
              The ad also listed the center’s amenities, which included   nity and regional shopping center being developed, and
              a cocktail lounge, billiards, snack bar and — extremely   the entertainment project is in partnership with Woodbury
              important in south-central Michigan in the summertime —   Corporation. Guests will have an array of options from
              air conditioning.                                   which to choose, including viewing movies in premium-
                Holiday Lanes opened 10 years before that ad      format auditoriums, luxury bowling with lane-side din-
              appeared, and during bowling’s boom years the 40-lane   ing available, a redemption arcade and more. Another
              center was packed with leagues. Fifty years after it   Megaplex Entertainment venue is under construction in
              opened, the center was sold and rechristened Spare Time   Downtown Daybreak, a master-planned community in
              Entertainment — no                                  South Jordan, Utah.
              relation to the chain
              of the same name                                      n The strategic sale of Player One Entertainment Group
              operated by Bowl                                    gave Canada-based Cineplex an opportunity to focus
              New England, but                                    on its location-based entertainment venues. In a recent
              with a similar busi-                                conference call, President and CEO Ellis Jacob said he
              ness model.                                         believes there is an opportunity to grow to 30 venues
                The 40-lane center                                offering numerous attractions. The company currently
              became a 32-laner    The private Capital Room is a popu-  operates 13 location-based entertainment facilities across
              with a private bou-  lar aspect of Spare Time Entertain-  the country, including the Rec Room and Junxion brands.
              tique bowling area   ment in Lansing, Michigan, and
              called “The Capital   now the venue has added a new   n Also in Canada, a new Splitsville Entertainment venue
              Room.” A large       outdoor attraction.            is scheduled to open later this year in Calgary, Alberta.
              arcade and a laser                                  Splitsville Entertainment — not to be confused with
              tag arena were added, and the restaurant and bar were   Splitsville Luxury Lanes that has venues at the Downtown
              completely revamped.                                Disney District at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim,
                While the original owners focused almost exclusively   California, and Disney Springs West Side at the Walt
              on bowling, the new owners — Nancy and Michael      Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida — operates
              MacColeman and their children — knew that the future   venues in the provinces of Alberta, Ontario and British
              was in family entertainment, and that meant offering   Columbia. The new 26,500-square-foot facility will be
              an array of attractions. Today, Spare Time features a   located at the Creekside Shopping Center, and its 18 lanes
              7,000-square-foot arcade, escape rooms and axe throw-  of tenpin bowling will be complemented by a redemption
              ing.                                                arcade, pool tables and a bar and lounge. While lanes are
                And now, the family has converted part of its parking   always reserved for open play, all Splitsville locations host
              lot into an 18-hole miniature golf course, complete with   a variety of leagues throughout the week when the cen-
              three ponds, two waterfalls and three fountains. Volleyball   ters have the lights on and the music down low. Calgary
              courts were torn out to make way for the course, which is   will be the
              ADA compliant.                                      14th Splitsville
                n The city of Hurricane, Utah, is known for its historic   center in Canada.
              peach and pecan orchards, as well as its proximity to Zion
              National Park. Soon, is also will be known for another   n A late
              “P”: the private VIP lanes at a new FEC being devel-  2024 or early
              oped by Coral Cliffs Entertainment. Plans call for the   2025 opening
              40,000-square-foot space to include a total of 18 lanes,   is planned for a
              along with a large redemption arcade, axe throwing, VR   new 810 Billiards
              and both indoor and outdoor mini-golf. The venue will be   & Bowling venue   The StrikeMaster Bowling Arena
              “connected” to an adjacent movie complex by a food-  in Dulles, Virginia.   is one of the star attractions at
              and-beverage space with a fire pit. While the complex will   Darts, shuffle-  Troops Entertainment Center at
              welcome walk-in business, it’s being designed with corpo-  board, ping   the 06 Mall in Sharjah, United Arab
              rate and other group events in mind.                pong and arcade     Emirates. The venue, operated by
                                                                  games are the       the Alef Group, also features a large
                n Also in Utah, about a half-hour from Hurricane, Larry   other attractions   arcade and a VR experience.
              H. Miller Sports + Entertainment has announced plans to   (in addition to

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