Page 70 - BCM June 2024
P. 70


               A Steady Hand When

                  It Was Needed Most

               During the COVID-19 pandemic, Brian Borowski never wavered. That’s one
                   of the reasons he was selected for the 2024 BPAA President’s Award.

                                                     BY DENNIS BERGENDORF

                   rivers on busy Lincoln Avenue                                    pandemic that prompted New York
              D in Lockport, New York, can’t                                        Governor Andrew Cuomo to order
              miss the lettering on the long brick                                  the closing of some 300 Empire State
              building — 11 letters that offer a                                    bowling centers.
              gentle reminder of a legendary                                          “It’s been a nightmare,” Borowski
              bowler, someone whose name was,                                       told reporters at the time. But he was
              for nearly six decades, one of the                                    able keep the miniature golf going,
              most recognized in the sport. He                                      for a month at least, because it’s out-
              was Allie Brandt, who had rolled the                                  doors. “It helped curb the losses, but
              highest sanctioned three-game series                                  nothing beat reopening for business.”
              ever — an 886 back in 1939, when                                        Though the bar, snack bar, arcade
              that sort of thing didn’t happen every                                games and mini-golf provide solid
              day.                                                                  revenue streams, Allie Brandt Lanes
                The year 1958 brought two sig-                                      is still primarily about bowling,
              nificant events: Brandt became one                                    whether league, recreational, cosmic,
              of the 33 charter members of the                                      tournament, party or fund raiser.
              Professional Bowlers Association,   Brian Borowski owns a bowling center   Value-added or premium leagues
              and he opened his 24-lane bowling   named after a local legend and was   are a staple at the center. This
              center, with his name prominently   one of the business heroes of New York   summer features the rum bucket and
              displayed.                         bowling during the COVID-19 pan-   one-free-drink no-tap leagues; the
                It’s now 66 years later and the   demic. Now, he’s being honored with   pro shop merchandise league; two
              center has grown to 36 lanes with   the BPAA President’s Award, which he’ll   have-a-ball leagues; and the NASCAR
              an 18-hole miniature golf course;   receive on July 2 at International Bowl   league, in which everybody earns a
              laser maze; a restaurant that features   Expo in Denver.              ticket to September’s big playoff race.
              pizza, wings, fried bologna, a pair of                                  There are theme tournaments
              hot dogs called “the split” and funnel   “judged to have given exceptional   and special events, such as the
              cake fries; a full-service lounge (the   support and/or made significant   wildly popular Munson No-Tap
              curved bar is popular), and a small   contributions to the association.”  that benefits the Second Chance
              but modern arcade.                   In 2019, Borowski was honored    Boxer Rescue charity and raffles off
                And it still carries Allie Brandt’s   as grand marshal of the Go Bowling   a small truckload of goodies. And if a
              name, though the center has had sev-  at the Glen NASCAR Cup race at   “Kingpin”-themed event isn’t enough,
              eral more owners through the years.   Watkins Glen, some 140 miles away.   this past February Allie Brandt Lanes
              Since 2008, the owner has been Brian   He says he wanted to shout, “Drivers,   was part of the Lebowski Fest, with a
              Borowski, one of the busiest men in   grab your balls! We are going bowling   movie screening and bowling.
              the bowling industry. He’s the current   at the Glen!” But he settled for the   WNY Challenger Sports partners
              BPAA treasurer, the former president   traditional command to “start your   with the Elks to conduct short-season
              of the New York State BPA, and this   engines!”                       leagues and a tournament for the
              year’s recipient of the BPAA Presi-  He also was a leader during bowl-
              dent’s Award, given to the member   ing’s worst crisis, the COVID-19            (continued on page 128)

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