Page 76 - BCM June 2024
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                                                 utilize glow-in-the-dark technology,   State. A list of planned attractions was
                                                 including the four bowling lanes,   not announced.
                                                 laser tag arena, escape rooms and
                                                 30-game arcade. Glo Mini Golf offers   n C.J. Barrymore’s in Clinton
                                                 individual attraction as well as pack-  Township, Michigan, has opened a
                                                 age pricing.                       go-kart track. The three-story “Indy
                                                                                    SkyTrack” includes a 30-foot-tall “vor-
                                                   n Hollywood Bowl reported        tex.” The expansive venue, which
                                                 strong revenue growth in the United   serves the metropolitan Detroit area,
                                                 Kingdom and Canadian markets dur-  also features bowling, an arcade, a
                                                 ing the first half of the year. The com-  Ferris wheel and much more.
                                                 pany, which operates 71 centers in the
                 Shott has opened a 20,000-square-  U.K. and 11 in Canada, saw revenue   n 218 TapHouse has opened in
                 foot entertainment destination in   increase 8.1 percent year to year, with   Cloquet, Minnesota, featuring 29
                 Hyderabad, India. Bowling, laser   the greatest growth in Canada, where   self-pour beer taps, a bar serving
                 tag and an arcade are among the   it was up 46.9 percent. That growth   craft cocktails, pizza fresh from a local
                 attractions. The company’s ambi-  was fueled, in part, by the opening of   restaurant and three duckpin bowling
                 tious growth plans call for captur-  two new centers. The company also   lanes.
                ing 40 percent of the FEC market in   opened a new center and refurbished
                India by next year.              three others in the U.K.             n Bay Tek Entertainment has
                                                                                    acquired MajorMega, a manufac-
                                                   n A new Launch Entertainment     turer of VR attractions including
              opened in San Bernardino, California,   location has been earmarked for   “Hyperdeck,” which adds environ-
              joining its sister Inland Empire loca-  Nashua, New Hampshire. It will be the   mental effects such as wind, heat and
              tion in Riverside. All of the attractions   company’s first venue in the Granite   motion to the VR experience; and

               BEC 74  JUNE 2024

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