Page 68 - BCM June 2024
P. 68


                                                                       he average American small business
                                                                       lasts only eight-and-a-half years be-
                                                                       fore either the money or the passion
                                                                 T or both runs out. For any entity to
                                                                 make it to 75 years, by any measure, must be
                                                                 considered a success.    e Bowling Centers
                                                                 Association of Indiana celebrated such a
                                                                 milestone in early May, attracting an all-star
                                                                 cast of state and national industry leaders to
                                                                 the French Lick Resort — itself a survivor in
                                                                 the business world, dating back to 1902.

                                                                   “   is anniver-  through the glass ceiling to become
                                                                 sary is a testament   the association’s   rst female president.
                                                                  to the enduring     •    ree other women have followed
                                                                  spirit of our     in Wilbur’s footsteps: Cathy Cooper
                                                                  association and   (2008-09), Sarah French-Malott
                                                                 the dedication     (2020-21) and the current president,
                                                                 of its members,”   Williams.
                                                                 wrote IBCA           • Cooper also was part of a presiden-
                                                               President Casey      tial couple, as her husband Denny   rst
                                                        Williams in a welcome letter
                                                        Williams in a welcome letter   took o   ce 16 years before she did.
                                                       to attendees. “Over the past 75   •    ere also have been father-son
                                                       to attendees. “Over the past 75
                                                     years, the IBCA has been a beacon
                                                     years, the IBCA has been a beacon   presidential combos: Carl Hindel
                                                   in the bowling industry, fostering
                                                   in the bowling industry, fostering   (1964-65) and Jerry Hindel (1982-83),
                                                 a sense of community, collaboration
                                                 a sense of community, collaboration   as well as Dave Kerschner (2012-13)
                                                 and growth. We have collectively
                                                 and growth. We have collectively   and Collin Kerschner (2016-17).
                                                 weathered challenges, celebrated
                                                 weathered challenges, celebrated     •    e Indiana BCA’s highest honor is
                                                 victories and built lasting relationships   the Hy Delman Award, named after a
                                                 that have strengthened our bowling   former Chicago newsman once nomi-
                                                 community.”                        nated for a Pulitzer Prize for crime
                                                   To mark the anniversary, the asso-  reporting. He moved to Indianapolis
                                                 ciation dug deep into its archives and   to be closer to his wife’s family, and
                                                 also solicited assistance from mem-  entered the bowling business with his
                                                 bership groups to compile a 165-page   brother-in-law. He’d eventually own
                                                 document that — through letters, lists,   three centers and became active in the
                                                 other documents and photos — tells   state association, known for chal-
                                                 the story of bowling in the Hoosier   lenging the norm and always working
                                                 State.                             to promote bowling.
                                                   A few of the highlights:           •    e   rst Hy Delman Award was
                                                   •    e association’s articles of incor-  presented in 1983 to Russ Neathery,
                                                 poration, dated Feb. 23, 1949 — under   and the 2024 recipient was Mike
                                                 the name Indiana Bowling Proprietors,   Aulby.
                                                 Inc. — listed the Post O   ce address as   • Don Mitchell was the man behind
              Indiana BCA President Casey Williams   632 Indiana Building, Indianapolis 4.  the Royal Pin Leisure Centers chain in
              presents the 2024 Hy Delman Award    • It took more than a quarter-   Indianapolis and was a strong advo-
              — the association’s highest honor — to   century, but during America’s bi-cen-  cate for the sport of bowling — which
              Mike Aulby.                        tennial year, Pat Wilbur   nally broke   explains why Royal Pin hosted PBA

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