Page 69 - BCM June 2024
P. 69

Hy Delman                          Don Mitchell                      IBPI & IBCA Presidents
                 Award                              Meritorious
                                                    Medal                             1949      Ray Shore
                 1983    Russ Neatherly                                               1950      M.G. Baker
                 1984    Carl Hindel                2013   George Webb                1951      Phillip J. Koch
                 1985    Don Lowry                  2014   Bob Gudorf                 1952      Joe Kendrick
                 1986    Wayne Circle               2016   Mike Aulby                 1953-55   Nick Johann
                 1987    Richard Pihulic            2019   Judy Smith                 1956      John Anderson
                 1988    Pat Wilbur                        Tim Fye                    1957      M.G. Baker
                 1994    Jerry Hindel                      Shari Fye                  1958      Fred Kibler
                 1995    Denny Cooper                      Mary Utley                 1959-61   Tommy Graves
                 1997    Charlie Brehob                    Tommy Lee Baxter           1962-63   Don Lowry
                 1999    Bob Colburn                2021   Nick Hoagland              1964-65   Carl Hindel
                 2001    Chuck Kane                 2023   Mike Kraushaar             1966-67   Russ Neatherly
                 2003    Rick Braden                                                  1968-69      omas Young
                 2013    Cathy Cooper                                                 1970-71   Hy Delman
                 2015    Dave King                                                    1972-73   Wayne Circle
                 2017    Steve Kunkel            induction into the BPAA Hall of Fame:   1974-75   Joe Quick
                 2020    Dave Kerschner          Don Lowry (1983), Carl Hindel (1989)   1976-77   Pat Wilbur
                 2022    Scott Devers            and Mike Aulby (2023).               1978-79   Richard Pihulic
                 2024    Mike Aulby                •    ree Hoosier center operators   1980-81   Errol Klem
                                                 have received the BPAA President’s   1982-83   Jerry Hindel
                                                 Award: Don Lowry (1977), Cathy       1984-85   Marlin Milligan
              Tour stops for so many years.    e   Cooper (2003) and Scott Devers     1986-87   Charlie Brehob
              year following his death, the IBCA   (2017).                            1988-89   Bob Colburn
                                                                                                Bill Wilson
              inaugurated the Don Mitchell Merito-  • BPAA’s V.A. Wapensky Award      1992-94   Denny Cooper
              rious Service Medal to perpetuate his   has been presented to two Indianans:   1995-97   Rick Braden
              memory. It honors an individual who   long-time “Pro Bowlers Tour” play-by-  1998-99   Chuck Kane
              has made a signi  cant contribution to   play man Chris Schenkel (1989) and   2000-01   Jim Doty
              the advancement of bowling.        long-time Classic Products executive   2002-03   Mike Zellinger
                •    ree Indiana proprietors have   Bob Gudorf (2011).                2004      Pat Sparks
              been honored with the Victor Lerner   • Mike Aulby (2009) and Tim Mack   2005-07   Scott Devers
              Memorial Medal, emblematic of      (2020) have received BPAA’s Dick     2008-09   Cathy Cooper
                                                 Weber Ambassador Award.              2010-11   Ken Howard
                                                                                                Dave Kerschner
                                                   • Classic Products received        2014-15   Dan Smith
                                                 BPAA’s Special Projects Award in     2016-17   Collin Kerschner
                                                 2022 for its work in addressing the   2018-19   Jason Fradenburg
                                                 critical shortage of pinsetting machine   2020-21   Sarah French Malott
                                                 mechanics.                           2022-23   Casey Williams
                                                   • Hoosiers in the USBC Hall of
                                                 Fame for meritorious service include
                                                 Schenkel (1988) and Pearl Switzer   men’s association, women’s associa-
                                                 (1973). PBA Hall of Famers in that   tion, junior association and proprietor
                                                 category include Schenkel (1976),   representation.    e council was dis-
                                                 Mitchell (2018) and Jim Doty (2019).  solved in 2012.
                                                   • In 1964, Roger Tessman, then with   • Hindel Bowl was the longest-
                                                 the American Bowling Congress Rules   tenured BPAA member in Indiana,
                                                 Department, urged those attending   its membership spanning 82 years.
                                                 the Indiana Bowling Association    Unable to   nd a buyer, the center
                                                 Annual Meeting to form a bowling   closed its doors on May 1.
              Mike Aulby (left) and Scott Devers are   council to direct American Junior   • Beech Grove Bowl in Beech Grove
              the two most recent recipients of the   Bowling Congress programs locally. It   and Vigo Bowl in Terre Haute now
              IBCA’s Hy Delman Award, Aulby this   took a while, but in 1983, the Indiana   top the BPAA’s list of Indiana member
              year and Devers in 2022.           Bowling Council was formed with    centers at 75 years apiece.

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