Page 60 - BCM June 2024
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                                                                                    to be treated, and that comes across
                                                                                    in how they present the Greater
                                                                                    Ozarks Open. That said, they were
                                                                                    perfectly happy hosting the tourna-
                                                                                    ment before they started operating
                                                                                      “The tournament was started by
                                                                                    a group of league bowlers in 1958,”
                                                                                    Wiemer says. “They ran it for 44
                                                                                    years and then they sold it to me.
              The building housing this Bass Pro Shops Catalog Outlet Store formerly was home to   So I’ve operated it for 14 years, and
              a bowling center owned by the Wiemer family.                          it has run in our centers since 1991.
                                                                                    One of the founders told me that if
              work together.”                    St. Louis market was left without   I messed it up, he’d come back to
                Carla Wiemer completes the       a PBA Tour stop, Wiemer offered    haunt me.”
              family/extended family manage-     Enterprise Park Lanes, about a       There have been no ghost
              ment team, taking care of the      three-and-a-half-hour drive to the   encounters to date because little
              dailies, check writing and other   southwest, as a host. The center   has changed, other than the intro-
              business-related necessities.      has now hosted stops in back-to-   duction of brackets — something
                “She does all the things I don’t   back years, including the 2024 Pete   that the bowlers requested.
              like to do,” says Wiemer. “I hate my   Weber Missouri Classic.          “We’re a little different,” Wiemer
              office. The only good thing about    “I’ve known Pete for years and my   says. “We’re still a single-entry
              my office is that I get to share it with   dad bowled against Pete’s dad [Dick   tournament. We also put out a
              Keegan.”                           Weber], so it was special hosting a   pattern that’s a little more chal-
                                                 tournament with the Weber name     lenging than a house condition. We
              The Bowling Life                   attached to it,” Wiemer says.      appreciate the competitive end of
                Steve Wiemer bowled in his 51st    As bowlers themselves, the       the game.”
              ABC/USBC Open tournament in        Wiemers know how bowlers want        Wiemer says that he and the
              April to match                                                        tournament’s founders never had a
              his father’s total,                                                   contract. The long-running agree-
              and Steve’s                                                           ment was based on a handshake.
              brother Randy                                                           “I was fortunate to work with
              is scheduled to                                                       those people,” Wiemer says.
              make his 50th                                                         “There’s a real advantage to having
              appearance next
              year in Baton                                                    Sunshine Lanes and Enterprise Park
              Rouge, Loui-                                                     Lanes play host to what is believed to be
              siana.                                                           the largest single-entry team, doubles
                A teammate,                                                    and singles tournament other than the
              Jeff Mackey, has                                                 USBC national tournaments.
              a Singles eagle
              to his credit, and
              Wiemer’s team
              once set the
              Team All-Events record, only to see
              it broken in the same tournament.
                “Our family has done this
              together since [my brother and
              I] were in high school, and that’s
              pretty special,” Wiemer says.
                The family’s on-the-lanes history
              also informs its business. When the

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