Page 58 - BCM June 2024
P. 58


              Springfield in 1982.
                “My dad and I were working all
              of those centers,” Wiemer — whose
              two siblings grew up in the business
              but followed different career paths
              — recalls.
                The modern iteration of R.
              Wiemer Inc. began taking shape
              in 1991 when Cherokee Lanes
              was sold to Bass Pro Shops so it
              could expand its massive Spring-
              field campus (which includes the
              original Bass Pro Shops store as
              well as the Wonders of Wildlife
              Museum and Aquarium) and the
              family opened the 40-lane Enter-
              prise Park Lanes. Two years later,
              they acquired Sherm Lollar Lanes,
              a 32-laner with which its namesake,
              a noted Chicago White Sox catcher,
              was involved, and changed the
              name to Sunshine Lanes.
                Today, those two centers are
              operated by what one might call
              Wiemer’s “bonus family” — a story
              that speaks not only to his business
              acumen but also to his character.
                “I had a manager named Roy
              Martin,” Wiemer says. “He had      Enterprise Park Lanes Manager Chris Taylor (left) informs Greater Ozarks Open Tourna-
              been at Cherokee Lanes, and then   ment Director Matt Standage that’s he’s just a little too tall to utilize the center’s bumpers.
              moved over to Enterprise Park.
              But he got sick with leukemia and   ever lost their dad at a young age,”   married Matt Standage in 2017 —
              passed away when he was 40.”       she observes. “But by bringing     serves as general manager of both
                Martin left behind a wife and two   us into their family — and their   Enterprise Park Lanes and Sun-
              children, the 12-year-old Keegan   extended bowling family — it       shine Lanes, and Matt is the tourna-
              and her 9-year-old brother, Kyn-   helped a lot. The bowling commu-   ment director of the Greater Ozarks
              dall. With no children of their own,   nity is a big family, and we didn’t   Open, a team, doubles and singles
              Roger and his wife Carla stepped in,   miss out on anything.”         event that attracts more than 1,400
              with the blessing of the children’s   Tears appearing in her eyes,    teams annually and now is its 66th
              mother, Vickie, to help. They did it,   Keegan adds: “Roger and Carla   year. Kyndall Martin manages Sun-
              Wiemer says, because “it was the   have always provided parental love   shine Lanes, and his counterpart
              right thing to do.”                for us. And now, they’re also won-  at Enterprise Park Lanes is Chris
                Keegan, now 32, says her father’s   derful grandparents — filling a void   Taylor.
              death had a profound impact on     without trying to replace [my dad].”  “Chris came here to go to school,”
              her.                                 Kyndall, now 29, says that Steve   Wiemer says. “He has been with
                “I think as soon as my dad       has been “the father figure that   me for 15 years. He’s one of the few
              passed, I grew up,” she says. “I   every boy needs growing up. I think   people who has worked for me that
              knew that I needed to help take care   every kid needs both parents in   I couldn’t outrun. He was a track
              of Kyndall and support my mom.”    their lives, and even though we lost   star and punt returner. You could
                And having the Wiemers around    our dad, we ended up with three    describe his management style as
              to lean on helped a lot.           great parents — and grandparents.”  chaos, while Keegan is extremely
                “We’re not the only people that    Today, Keegan Standage — she     organized, so they had to learn to

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