Page 62 - BCM June 2024
P. 62


              someone else own the tournament
              that you’re hosting. When you had
              two perspectives, you could sit        Warming Up in the Bullpen…
              down and figure out what was best.
              These were smart people… quality       Springfield is home to the Double-A level Springfield Cardinals base-
              people.”                              ball team of the Texas League. Just as that team serves as a feeder to
                Not only do the two bowling         the Triple-A Memphis Cardinals and Major League Baseball’s St. Louis
              centers — Sunshine hosts the team     Cardinals, the bowling centers operated by the Wiemer family have
              event, while Enterprise Park hosts    functioned as incubators for numerous successful proprietors.
              the doubles and singles — benefit      Among the center owners who were trained by Roger and/or Steve
              from the tournament, but so does      Wiemer are Andy Bartholomy of the multi-center Andy B’s Entertain-
              the greater Springfield area. Having   ment, Kenny Lynch of Holiday Lanes in Pittsburg, Kansas; Kevin
              8,000 bowlers come to town is a       Singleton of Century Lanes in Nixa, Missouri; and Brad Pollard of
              boon for local hotels, attractions,   Shrewsbury Lanes in Shrewsbury, Missouri.
              shopping and, of course, restau-       “Andy is far more of a capitalist than I am,” Steve Wiemer says with
              rants — more than a few of which      a smile. “I like to run small businesses. He has gone another way and
              serve the dish for which the city     works with his management teams in a different way than I do.”
              has become famous in the Ozarks:       While Wiemer and Bartholomy once were mentor and student, today
              Springfield-style cashew chicken.     they are friendly competitors.
              Restaurateur David Leong was run-      “Andy has the other center in Springfield,” Wiemer notes. “But if
              ning a local Chinese restaurant and,   there’s another center in town, you want somebody running it who
              needing to boost business, came up    does it right. Andy B’s is the FEC model, so there’s very little overlap in
              with a recipe he felt would be more   our customer bases. But we’re both still pushing bowling, and that’s a
              appealing to the Midwestern palate.   good thing.”
              The concoction consists of breaded     You could call it a home run for the bowling business.
              chicken breasts that are deep-fried
              in peanut oil and topped with
              cashews and a mild sauce made
              from chicken stock, soy sauce and
              oyster sauce.

              The Inclination to Help
                That cashew chicken recipe
              like no other is one of the things
              that helps Springfield maintain
              its small-town feel despite being
              a medium-sized city. There’s also
              Park Central Square, site of the 1865
              Wild Bill Hickok shootout that some
              say inaugurated America’s “Wild
              West” period; Route 66 Park and its
              mosaic-like panels depicting local
              history; and the Instagrammable
              Commercial Street, the city’s first
              National Register Historic District.
                All of those places contribute to
              a sense of community, and Steve
              Wiemer is all about community. In
              addition to serving on his neigh-
              borhood board for years, he also      Andy B’s is the Wiemer family’s friendly competition in Springfield, and
              has offered up the Enterprise Park    proprietor Andy Bartholomy once worked for the Wiemers.
              Lanes parking lot as a staging area

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