Page 56 - BCM June 2024
P. 56


                                                                                    in the Midtown neighborhood.
                                                                                    Leaders of the Midtown Neighbor-
                                                                                    hood Association are in the midst
                                                                                    of planning Springfield’s Old-Fash-
                                                                                    ioned Fourth of July Parade and
                                                                                    Celebration, which this year carries
                                                                                    the theme of “freedom in motion.”
                                                                                      “Our five center-city neighbor-
                                                                                    hoods have an alliance, and I
                                                                                    participated in that for several
                                                                                    years,” Wiemer says. “I’m not on
                                                                                    the boards anymore, but I still
                                                                                    contribute labor.”
                                                                                      What attracted him to the asso-
                                                                                      “You ought to know your neigh-
                                                                                    bors and the people around you,”
                                                                                    he asserts. “A lot of people in that
                                                                                    neighborhood had that mindset. It
                                                                                    was easy to get involved in an area
                                                                                    where people get involved. My dad
                                                                                    lived in a gated community; I’m not
                                                                                    much on gated communities.”
                                                                                      Wiemer’s dad was Roger Wiemer,
                                                                                    a scratch bowler who took part in
                                                                                    51 ABC and USBC Open tourna-
              Carla and Steve Wiemer are flanked by their “bonus kids,” Keegan Standage and Kyn-  ments before passing away in 2010.
              dall Martin, at Enterprise Park Lanes. Standage serves as general manager of both   His mother is Norma, 91, who lives
              Enterprise Park and Sunshine Lanes, while Kyndall is the manager of Sunshine Lanes.   in assisted living “but would love to
              Hanging in the background is a vintage photo of entertainment icons Mickey Rooney   come in [to the centers] and tell us
              and Judy Garland as Rooney shows off his bowling form.                what to do if she could. She loved
                                                                                    going to work.”
              food in the refrigerator and nary a   is tourism, centered in the com-
              hope of escaping the projects. Life   munity of Branson, 44 miles south   The Family Business
              embodies a wide spectrum, and      of Springfield. There, countless     Over the years, the Wiemer family
              how we handle our place on that    shows — including “Dolly Parton’s   was involved with seven centers,
              spectrum ultimately determines our   Stampede” and the “WhoDunnit     the first being the 40-lane Cherokee
              character and our destiny.         Hoedown” mystery dinner — are      Lanes — now home to the Bass Pro
                Steve Wiemer’s roots are in      joined by attractions such as the   Shops Catalog Outlet Store — which
              Springfield, Missouri. There’s a   Silver Dollar City theme park, the   was purchased in 1971 when Steve
              Springfield in 34 states, but Mis-  Aquarium at the Boardwalk and the   was 14. That was his introduction
              souri’s is the largest with a popula-  Titanic Museum Attraction.     to the business of bowling, and he
              tion of 170,000, give or take. It’s part   But in Springfield itself, where   says he has loved it ever since.
              of the region known as the Ozarks   many of the locals roll their eyes   In 1974, the family opened
              — shared by Missouri, Arkansas,    just at the mention of Branson, a   Oakland Plaza Lanes, a 24-laner
              Oklahoma and the extreme south-    community-focused ethos endures.   in Columbia, Missouri. Two years
              eastern corner of Kansas — that’s   And Wiemer is right in the thick of   later, they acquired the 16-lane
              known for its mountain ranges,     it, from the way he runs his busi-  Walnut Bowl, which had closed,
              highlands and plateaus.            nesses to where he lives.          and re-opened it. Two more
                While the Ozarks’ historic eco-    Springfield is a city of neighbor-  16-laners would follow: Holiday
              nomic activity was centered around   hoods — two dozen in all — and   Lanes in Pittsburg, Kansas, in 1980
              mining, its current growth industry   Wiemer and his wife Carla reside   and another Holiday Lanes in

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