Page 44 - BCM June 2024
P. 44


              the level of service and guest satis-  and techniques that can help any   proximity to the 4th of July, which
              faction? A panel of proprietors who   center operator build their league   falls on a    ursday in 2024.    e
              have installed kiosks in                      program. It’s a deep    show will run from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
              their centers will tackle                     dive into what tradition-  each day.
              that topic and many                           ally was and once again
              more, and take ques-                          could be an important        on-alcoholic. Despite the ever-
              tions from their peers                        revenue generator.      Ngrowing number of wineries,
              who may be on the                             BPAA’s Gerald Morrow    breweries and distilleries, the fastest-
              fence about investing in                      and Kelly Bednar will   growing category in all of adult
              this technology.                              be the facilitators of   beverage is non-alcoholic, with sales
                                                            the day-long “Growing   up 300% since 2019. Kurt Moody of
                  eagues. With                              Leagues for Any Busi-   Patrick Henry Creative Promotions
              Linformation and                              ness Model” on June 29.   Inc. will explore the phenomenon
              guidance from BPAA’s                          (See: B.)               and help proprietors understand its
              League Development     Dana Perino of Fox News                        potential in a Bowl Expo seminar.
              Committee and the      Channel will present        onday and
              System of League       one of the three keynote   MTuesday.    ose        utdoor Games. During the
              Bowling materials, what   speeches at Interna-  will be the Bowl Expo   Osummer months, the Gaylord
              was “tribal knowledge”   tional Bowl Expo. Expect   Trade Show days this   Rockies Resort o  ers a number
              has been transformed   lots of informed political   year, a change neces-  of activities on its Games Lawn,
              into actionable tools   commentary.           sitated by the Expo’s   including giant chess, bocce ball and

              42  •  BCM  •  JUNE 2024                                                     

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