Page 46 - BCM June 2024
P. 46


              cornhole. Another favorite family      ock Gods.    is “greatest      caAMF. Brunswick will occupy the
              activity at the resort: gathering   Rtribute (band) on Earth” will    Sponsor Pavilion from 1:30-3 p.m.,
              around the   re on the Grand Lodge   bring its one-of-a-kind                     after which QubicaAMF
              Lawn to make s’mores (kits with all   show to Bowl Expo’s                        will take over from 3:15-
              the ingredients provided).         closing event, Club                           4:45 p.m.
                                                 Xpo, performing the
                  rivate Poolside Cabanas. For   hit songs of Van Halen,                           im Tebow.    e
              Psun lovers who realize that sun-  Def Leppard, Guns N’                          THeisman Trophy
              bathing in a “Mile High City” carries   Roses, Bon Jovi, Ozzy                    winner and former NFL
              extra risks, these cabanas provide   Osbourne, Kiss, AC/DC,                      and minor league base-
              extra shade, comfortable lounge    Alice Cooper, Motley                          ball player will deliver
              areas, refrigerators and more. Each   Crüe, Poison and                           a Monday morning
              cabana rental includes complimen-  others.                                       keynote on how servant
              tary bottles of LIFEWTR.                                                         leadership is important
                                                     ponsor Pavilion.                          to success and making a
                   ubicaAMF. One of Bowl Expo’s  S   ose not attending   Tim Tebow made a      di  erence.
                                                                        name for himself on the
              Qsix Platinum Sponsors this        the Sunday Super Ses-  football   eld both for his
              year.    e others, in alphabetical   sion may alternately   play and his praying. His   pslope Citra Pale
              order, are Boston Beer Co., Bowling   learn about the latest   Bowl Expo topic: making   UAle. It’s always
              Center TV Powered by Cisco, Bruns-  o  erings from Bruns-  a di  erence with servant   fun to eat and drink
              wick Bowling, Pepsi and Sysco.     wick Bowling and Qubi-  leadership.           local when traveling,

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                                                                    SJ VIKYPEV YWI  IRWYVMRK PSRK XIVQ ZEPYI ERH TIVJSVQERGI
                                                                     X]PMWLP] VIHIWMKRIH XS GSSVHMREXI [MXL SYV 5VIQMYQ 1EGI

              44  •  BCM  •  JUNE 2024                                                     

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