Page 39 - BCM June 2024
P. 39


                Mile-High Education

                  Watch these ‘Pro  t Break’ interviews to plan your class schedule in Denver.

              THE 2024 edition of BPAA’s Bowl Expo in                        determine the seminars that would be most
              Denver spotlights a wide-ranging educational                   relevant for your operation, take some time
              program — including, for the   rst time,                       to view these episodes of Bowling Univer-
              some fast-paced “Edu-Talks.” To help you                       sity’s “Pro  t Break.”

                  Ingredients for     How to Maximize     Lead With the Right   Navigating the     Don’t Leave Money
                 Success: Mastering   the E  ectiveness   Mindset: Managing      Future of the      on the Table: How
                the TOTAL Approach     of Social Media     Versus Leading       Games Industry      & Why to Sell Non-
                  in Restaurants        Advertising        Versus Coaching        Presenters:       Alcoholic Drinks
                    Presenter:          Presenter:           Presenter:        Amber Lambert and       Presenter:
                   Donald Burns         Nicole Miller       Jason Brooks        Steve Lamoreaux       Kurt Moody
                 Wednesday, July 3    Wednesday, July 3   Wednesday, July 3    Wednesday, July 3    Wednesday, July 3
                   at 9:45 a.m.         at 9:45 a.m.         at 9:45 a.m.         at 9:45 a.m.         at 11 a.m.

                                 Adapt or Die:                        e Yellow Cake                  Your Next Steps
                                  Using AI in                     Principle:  Recipe                  to Modernize,
                                 Marketing and                    for In  uence and                  Expand a Venue
                                   Branding                           Success                         and/or Build
                                   Presenter:                        Presenter:                        Presenter:
                                  Jon Lake  sh                     Roger Grannis                      David Wallace
                                Wednesday, July 3                 Wednesday, July 3                  Wednesday, July 3
                                   at 11 a.m.                        at 11 a.m.                        at 11 a.m.

                   Restaurant           Using AI to       Not Enough Hours      Edu-Talk: What       EduTalk: How
                 Management 201:       Enhance the         in the Day? How     You Need to Know        to Make a
                  How to Create a     Bowling Center       to Manage Your      About Game Room        Card System
                  Cohesive Team         Experience        Time With ChatGPT     Merchandising        Work for You
                    Presenter:          Presenter:           Presenter:           Presenter:           Presenter:
                   Alison Anne           Tim Hines         Courtney Ramsey       Megan Burtch        Jason Mitchell
                 Wednesday, July 3    Wednesday, July 3    Wednesday, July 3   Wednesday, July 3    Wednesday, July 3
                   at 1:45 p.m.         at 1:45 p.m.         at 1:45 p.m.          at 3 p.m.          at 3:40 p.m.

                                                                        BCM  •  JUNE 2024  •  37

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