Page 48 - BCM June 2024
P. 48


              and this microbrew from Upslope    perfectly with cheese.    e cost is   sparkling wine (i.e., Cava).
              Brewing Company in nearby          $50 per person, and reservations are
              Boulder is a “go-to” American pale   strongly suggested.                 our Next Steps to Modernize,
              ale with its grapefruit and tropical                                  YExpand, and/or Build.    at’s
              fruit aromas, light caramel malt         elcome Reception. One of     the title of the seminar being pre-
              character and semi-dry   nish. You  Wthe best networking oppor-       sented by David Wallace of Turfway
              can pop open a can at the Embers   tunities at Bowl Expo will take place   Entertainment Management Group.
              Lodge Bar, a popular gathering     Sunday evening beginning at 7      Making the decision to do some-
              place with two grand   replaces and   o’clock. Many proprietors will arrive   thing is the   rst step; Wallace will
              panoramic views of the Rockies.    early, stay until the lights   icker and   o  er suggestions to help smooth the
                                                 then adjourn to one of the resort’s   pathway for what happens next.
                  in.    e French word for wine,   watering holes to soak up as much
              Vof which there will be plenty     knowledge and camaraderie as          ero.    e number of calories
              at the Old Hickory Master French   possible.                          Zin the “Yellow Cake Principle”
              Wine Class, scheduled for June 29                                     — a principle that presenter Roger
              from 3-4 p.m. at the Gaylord Rockies   arello. A grape variety and wine   Grannis says is guaranteed to
              Resort’s Old Hickory Steakhouse.   Xyou’re not likely to encounter at   improve business. Grannis will share
              Resort wine experts will guide     the Old Hickory Master French Wine   his recipe with a blend of actionable
              guests who arrive too late for that   Class (see: V) because the grape is   ideas and a generous dash of humor,
              day’s Boot Camps as they explore   native to Spain’s Catalan region,   showing proprietors that they can
              a variety of French wines paired   where it’s used primarily to make   have their cake and eat it, too.

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                                                                    I\TIVMIRGI [MXL WLSIW HIWMKRIH XS TVSZMHI WYTIVMSV
                                                                    GYWLMSRMRK ERH WYTTSVX  VIHYGMRK JEXMKYI ERH I\XIRH TPE]
                                                                     X]PMWLP] VIHIWMKRIH XS GSSVHMREXI [MXL SYV 5VIQMYQ 1EGI

              46  •  BCM  •  JUNE 2024                                                     

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