Page 42 - BCM June 2024
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               What to Expect at Bowl

                Expo 2024, from A to Z

                  Our annual exploration of the industry’s largest business

                    gathering, from ‘Arapahoe Springs Water Park’ to ‘Zero.’

                International Bowl Expo will be held   a complimentary copy of “Building a   aylord Rockies Resort and
              a little later than usual and on di  erent   Story Brand” by Donald Miller.   GConvention Center. Techni-
              days of the week in 2024. (See the                                    cally located in Aurora, Bowl Expo’s
              schedule on page 32 for details.) So what   ana Perino. Respected jour-  host — for both the convention and
              can you expect in suburban Denver?   Dnalist. Check (co-anchor of     the trade show — is just 11 minutes
              Here’s our annual A-to-Z preview…  “America’s Newsroom” on Fox        by rideshare company or taxi from
                                                 News Channel). Revered political   Denver International Airport. Special
                  rapahoe Springs Water Park.    commentator. Check (co-host of     room rates are guaranteed until June
              AAn exclusive amenity for resort   the panel program “   e Five” on   6. (See A, H, O, P, U and V.)
              guests, this attraction o  ers a spar-  FNC). Best-selling author. Check
              kling indoor pool, a heated outdoor   (“Everything Will Be Okay,” “And the   atch Chile Tartar.    at is
              pool, water slides, a 720-foot-long   Good News Is…” and “Let Me Tell   Hwhat accompanies the beer-
              lazy river with water jets and bub-  You About Jasper”). With this being   battered cod   sh and chips at the
              blers, and sunbathing decks.    e   an election year and so much going   Gaylord Rockies Resort’s Fortunate
              Arapahoe Springs Bar and Grill is   on with the candidates,   gure on   Prospector, along with mushy peas
              conveniently located just steps from   plenty of political insight mixed with   and malt vinegar.    e restaurant
              the pool and lazy river, o  ering All-  Perino’s signature quick wit. Fun   and pub o  ers an array of beers and
              American favorites and refreshing   fact: Perino served as press secretary   beer cocktails to provide a refreshing
              beverages.                         for President George W. Bush, who   counterpoint to the heat of the tartar.
                                                 keynoted Bowl Expo 10 years ago in
                  oot Camps.    e day may be     Orlando.                             ndustry Awards Brunch.    at’s
              Bdi  erent (Saturday), but Expo                                       Iright, attendees won’t have to
              week will kick o   with three day-long   du-Talks. In addition to Bowl   wait until lunchtime to see this year’s
              Boot Camps, running from 9:30 a.m.  EExpo’s always strong seminar     slate of industry award winner hon-
              to 4 p.m. One deals with mastering   program (see: J, Y and Z), this year’s   ored. (Peruse this issue for pro  les
              the basics of arti  cial intelligence,   Expo education program will include   of two of the honorees, Proprietor
              featuring Steve Lerch; another deals   a series of quick, 25-minute presen-  of the Year Steve Wiemer and
              with growing leagues (see: L), while   tations. Among the Edu-Talk topics   President’s Award recipient Brian
              the third takes a deep dive into how   will be…                       Borowski.)
              entertainment centers can make big
              bucks with banquets (presented by      ood Service, with Donald          ason Brooks. Are you managing
              Ryan Grom  n and John Karabatsos). FBurns presenting. Other           Jyour center’s team, leading it or
                                                 topics will include digital marketing   coaching it? Brooks’ seminar prom-
                  hristy Kern.    is StoryBrand   (Nicole Krug), leadership (Courtney   ises lots of valuable tips for becoming
              Cpresenter will present a “Super   Ramsey), merchandising (Megan      a more e  ective leader and devel-
              Session” on telling a center’s story   Burtch), the bar business (Kurt   oping a more e  ective team.
              in a manner so potential guests will   Moody), arti  cial intelligence (Jon
              listen and be motivated to plan a   Lake  sh), food and beverage (Alison   iosks. Can they really help a
              visit.    e   rst 150 registered guests in   Anne) and card systems (Jason   Kcenter operate more e   ciently
              attendance at the session will receive   Mitchell).                   and pro  tably without a decline in

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