Page 36 - BCM July 2024
P. 36


                All of the bar tables are topped with   tation probably sells about 80 percent   attraction to another as demand war-
              game boards “built in” and  nished   of it.  e results have been amazingly   rants. You have to think about your
              with epoxy. Guests can obtain game   strong. We do have people who come   sta  in these renovations.”
              pieces at the bar. It’s a low-tech but   out just to eat and drink.”    With so many things to do and
              e ective aspect of Losito’s “get them   Flow was another major consider-  reasons to visit, the center’s original
              to stay longer” strategy.          ation when planning what would go   name had to go.  e FEC is now
                 ree outdoor volleyball courts and   where in the venue.            known as Sun Valley Lanes & Games
              the ability to set up 10 cornhole lanes   Now, when people enter the center,   and the exterior features bright,
              have combined to achieve Losito’s   they come face to face with the arcade   colorful lights that attract passersby at
              goal of generating more revenue    and laser tag entrances, but bowlers   dusk and beyond.
              during the warmer summer months.   can easily pass by on the way to the   “It blew my projections out of the
              And an upgraded food program to    middle of the venue, which Losito   water,” Losito says of the project.
              help  ll the seats inside and outside   calls the hub.                “I made a conservative budget, but
              has been a hit with locals.          “Basically, all the things that refer   we’ve done very well.
                “You have to have the mentality   to the sta  are in the hub,” Losito   “For anybody that’s thinking about
              that you want people to come out   says. “I knew if we could better utilize   taking the leap, I would suggest doing
              solely to eat and drink,” he says. “We   our sta , that would help us both   it if you can. Having a complementary
              had some pretty decent food before.   operationally and  nancially. All my   activity gets people to hang around
              We decided to modify some of the   employees, with the exception of   longer and spend more.”
              things we did well and make them   those in the volleyball bar area (which   And having a solid food-and-bev-
              great, and then serve the food on   also serves the mini-golf area), are in   erage program will get them to stay
              actual plates with silverware. Presen-  the hub, so they can move from one   even longer and spend even more.

              34  •  BCM  •  JULY 2024                                                     

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