Page 34 - BCM July 2024
P. 34


                Taking the Plunge

               Sun Valley Lanes & Games has been one of the great success stories in

               transforming a traditional bowling center into a multi-attraction FEC.

                 f you are a Starbucks regular,   McDonald’s franchisees, the pace of   from the center of the building to the
              I expect your in-store experience   change is dictated by the parent com-  “high side,” by lane 32, to accom-
              to be changing before too long.    e   pany, which typically contributes 55%   modate an outward expansion of the
              global co  ee giant is revamping its   to the cost. (During the pandemic, the   building.
              U.S. store portfolio with a new inclu-  company allowed franchisees more   “I still had a strong bowling busi-
              sive framework to give the customers   time to   nish their overhauls.)  ness,” he explains. “I didn’t want to
              “minimal friction” when ordering.    Modernization tends to come at a   take out lanes like a lot of my friends
                According to FOX Business, the   slower pace in the bowling business,   in the business had done.    e only
              new framework is designed to help   because a vast majority of the centers   answer was to have a larger foot-
              customers, particularly those with   are family-run operations. But the   print.”
              disabilities, communicate and navi-  investment can pay dividends, as   A single row of parking spots in
              gate the stores easily. From here on   2017 BPAA Proprietor of the Year   the front of the building, along with
              out, every new and renovated store   John Losito explained on a recent epi-  the purchase of a vacant lot next
              will be modeled after this framework   sode of Bowling University’s “Pro  t   door, provided the needed space for
              to some extent.                    Break,” hosted by John Karabatsos.  Losito’s initial vision. Soon after work
                As was the case for virtually every   Sun Valley Lanes was a traditional   began, a neighboring landowner
              business, Starbucks was impacted by   32-lane center in Lincoln, Nebraska,   asked Losito if he’d like to buy his
              the pandemic. While stores typically   that was built in 1972 and where   building.    e answer was yes, and
              weren’t forced to close since they   Losito had worked while going    now Losito had all the space he
              were in the “essential” food-business   to school. He worked his way up,   needed to build a multi-attraction
              sector, many did because the big   eventually became a partner and later   FEC with both indoor and outdoor
              cities they served saw o   ce buildings   bought out his partners.    at’s when   spaces.
              shuttered.    ose that stayed open had   he decided to begin exploring the   “At that point, the project was on
              to enforce draconian distancing rules,   possibility of transforming the center   steroids,” Losito recalls.
              in many cases.                     into more of an FEC model.              e original lounge had a low
                But those mandates motivated the   “I could see the handwriting on the   ceiling and could accommodate
              company — and many others — to     wall,” he said. “   e late ’70s and early   about 30 people, “but it couldn’t meet
              rethink how they do business and   ’80s were the boom years for league   the demands of what I wanted the
              to redesign stores to accommodate   bowling, but those numbers were   center to become,” Losito says.    e
              the “new normal.” Mobile ordering   going down and open play went up.   new lounge has seating for about 90.
              picked up steam and the dedicated   Today, bowling works better as an      ere’s another small area for about
              space for those orders was expanded.   anchor attraction. People want more   20 people, and the removal of a pool
              As part of the new initiative being   things to do.”                  table made it possible to add two high
              implemented, ceiling heights are        ere was a lot for Losito to do to   tops that seat six.
              being dropped to cut down on the   make the
              noise level — which   gures to bene  t   transition
              customers and associates, as Star-  happen.
              bucks employees are called, alike.     e   rst
                Virtually every business that “faces”   big change
              the public has a regular plan of   involved
              modernization in place, although the   moving
              time between projects does vary. For   the main
              Starbucks, it’s every   ve years. For   entrance

              32  •  BCM  •  JULY 2024                                                     

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